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  • 作者:編者:馮麗娟//李先國|責編:晨文
  • 出版社:中國海洋大學
  • ISBN:9787810678476
  • 出版日期:2006/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:267
人民幣:RMB 32 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction to Chemistry
  1-1  What Is Chemistry
  1-2  Modern Chemistry
  1-3  Matter, Element, Compound and Mixture
  1-4  The Periodic Table
  1-5  Green Chemistry
  1-6  Cosmochemistry and Geochemistry
Chapter 2  Important Elements and Compounds
  2-1  Sodium, Aluminum and Lead
  2-2  Iron and Zinc
  2-3  C60 and The Fullerenes
  2-4  Oxygen and Sulfur
  2-5  Wate-A Special Substance for Planet Earth
  2-6  Hydrogen Peroxide
  2-7  Carbon Monoxide and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
  2-8  Inorganic and Organic Acid
  2-9  Inorganic Base
  2-10  The Alcohol Family
Chapter 3  Chemistry and Life
  3-1  Trace Elements and Life
  3-2  Biologically Important Ions
  3-3  Acids, Bases and Human Health
  3-4  Buffer Solutions and Body Fluids
  3-5  Osmosis and Its Medical Application
  3-6  Protein and Nutrition
  3-7  Carbohydrate
  3-8  Chemistry in Medicine
  3-9  Chemicals and Medicines from the Sea
  3-10  Enzymes in Human Body
Chapter 4  Chemistry in Use
  4-1  Soap and Detergents
  4-9  Pesticides and Pharmaceuticals  
  4-3  Plastics
  4-4  Chlorinated Hydrocarbons: Many Uses and Some Hazards
  4-5  Wastewater Treatment
  4-6  Chromatography Analysis
  4-7  Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis
  4-8  Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Chapter 5  Chemistry and Environment
  5-1  General Introduction to Environmental Pollution
  5-2  Air Pollution
  5-3  Ozone
  5-4  Acid Rain
  5-5  Greenhouse Effect
  5-6  The Ocean: A Global Geochemical System
  5-7  Toxic Metals in Seawater
  5-8  Organic Compounds in Seawater
  5-9  Toxic Organic Pollutants in Seawater
  5-10  Sources of Oil Pollution in Oceans
  5-11  The Marine Carbonate System

Chapter 6 Chemistry and Technology
  6-1  Superconductivity
  6-2  Semiconductors
  6-3  Hydrogen: Fuel of the Twenty-First Century
  6-4  Alternative Energy Sources
  6-5  Applications of Radioactivity
  6-6  Batteries
  6-7  Polymer
Appendix 1  Table of Atomic Number and Weight
Appendix 2  SI Units
Appendix 3  Naming Inorganic Compounds
Appendix 4  Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
A List of Bibliography

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