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  • 作者:(美)約翰·康韋
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • ISBN:9787040469158
  • 出版日期:2018/06/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:372
人民幣:RMB 169 元      售價:

    約翰·康韋著的《運算元理論教程(英文版)(精)/美國數學會經典影印系列》前幾章介紹和回顧了C*-代數、正規運算元、緊運算元和非正規運算元,主題包含譜理論、泛函演算和Fredholm指標。此外,還論述了運算元理論和解析函數之間某些深刻的聯繫。後續章節講述了更高級的主題,包括C*-代數的表示、緊微擾和von Neumann代數等。重要結果覆蓋了諸如Sz.-Nagy伸縮定理、Weyl-von Neumann-Berg定理和von Neumann代數的分類,同樣也講述了對Fredholm理論的處理,這些高級論題均處於當今研究的中心。最後一章介紹了自返子空間,即由其不變子空間決定的運算元子空間。這些連同超自返空間是現代非對稱代數研究中成功的插曲之一。


Chapter 1.  Introduction to C*-Algebras
  1. Definition and examples
  2. Abelian C*-algebras and the Functional Calculus
  3. The positive elements in a C*-algebra
  4. Approximate identities
  5. Ideals in a C*-algebra
  6. Representations of a C*-algebra
  7. Positive linear functionals and the GNS construction
Chapter 2.  Normal Operators
  8. Some topologies on B(H)
  9. Spectral measures
  10. The Spectral Theorem
  11. Star-cyclic normal operators
  12. The commutant
  13. Von Neumann algebras
  14. Abelian von Neumann algebras
  15. The functional calculus for normal operators
Chapter 3.  Compact Operators
  16. C*-algebras of compact operators
  17. Ideals of operators
  18. Trace class and Hilbert-Schmidt operators
  19. The dual spaces of the compact operators and the trace class
  20. The weak-star topology
  21. Inflation and the topologies
Chapter 4.  Some Non-Normal Operators
  22. Algebras and lattices
  23. Isometries
  24. Unilateral and bilateral shifts
  25. Some results on Hardy spaces
  26. The functional calculus for the unilateral shift
  27. Weighted shifts
  28. The Volterra operator
  29. Bergman operators
  30. Subnormal operators
  31. Essentially normal operators
Chapter 5.  More on C*-Algebras
  32. Irreducible representations
  33. Positive maps
  34. Completely positive maps
  35. An application: Spectral sets and the Sz.-Nagy DilationTheorem
  36. Quasicentral approximate identitites
Chapter 6.  Compact Perturbations
  37. Behavior of the spectrum under a compact perturbation
  38. Bp perturbations of hermitian operators
  39. The Weyl-von Neumann-Berg Theorem
  40. Voiculescu's Theorem
  41. Approximately equivalent representations
  42. Some applications
Chapter 7.  Introduction to Von Neumann Algebras

  43. Elementary properties and examples
  44. The Kaplansky Density Theorem
  45. The Pedersen Up-Down Theorem
  46. Normal homomorphisms and ideals
  47. Equivalence of projections
  48. Classification of projections
  49. Properties of projections
  50. The structure of Type I algebras
  51. The classification of Type I algebras
  52. Operator-valued measurable functions
  53. Some structure theory for continuous algebras
  54. Weak-star continuous linear functionals revisited
  55. The center-valued trace
Chapter 8.  Reflexivity
  56. Fundamentals and examples
  57. Reflexive operators on finite dimensional spaces
  58. Hyperreflexive subspaces
  59. Reflexivity and duality
  60. Hypereflexive von Neumann algebras
  61. Some examples of operators
List of Symbols

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