幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:(美)詹森
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111573968
  • 出版日期:2018/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:339
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:




Unit 1 Office Matters 辦公室事宜
Part A
Part B

Unit 2 Personnel & Management 人事及管理
Part A
Part B

Unit 3 Business Development 業務拓展
Part A
Part B
Exercise One

Unit 4 Finance & Investment 財務及投資
Part A
Part B

Unit 5 Commerce 貿易
Part A
Part B

Unit 6 Business Meeting & Negotiation 商務會議及談判
Part A
Part B
Exercise Two

Unit 7 Technology & Equipment 科技及設備
Part A
Part B

Unit 8 Computer 電腦
Part A
Part B

Unit 9 Business Correspondence & Advertisement 商業書信及廣告
Part A
Part B
Exercise Three

Unit 10 Travel 旅遊
Part A
Part B

Unit 11 Transportation(Air,Ocean,Land) 交通運輸(空、海、陸)
Part A
Part B

Unit 12 Shopping 購物

Part A
Part B
Exercise Four

Unit 13 Dining Out 在外用餐
Part A
Part B

Unit 14 Social Contact 社交
Part A
Part B

Unit 15 Entertainment & Mass Media 娛樂及大眾傳播媒體
Part A
Part B
Exercise Five

Unit 16 Sports & Recreational Activities 運動及休閑活動
Part A
Part B

Unit 17 Medicine & Insurance 醫療及保險
Part A
Part B

Unit 18 Housing 住房
Part A
Part B
Exercise Six

Unit19 Product Research and Development 產品調研與開發
Part A
Part B

Unit 20 Quality Control 質量管理
Part A
Part B

Unit 21 Marketing and Customer Service 市場營銷與客戶服務
Part A
Part B
Exercise Seven

Unit 22 Job Application & Interview工作申請與面試
Part A
Part B

Unit 23 Pay & Promotion 薪酬與晉陞
Part A
Part B

Unit 24 Welfare Benefits員工福利待遇
Part A
Part B
Exercise Eight

Unit 25 Rules & Regulations公司規章制度
Part A
Part B

Unit 26 Sighing a Contract簽訂合約
Part A
Part B
Unit 27 Telephone Calls接打電話
Part A
Part B
Exercise Nine

Unit 28 Feelings,Emotions,Attitudes & Sensations感覺、情緒、態度及知覺
Part A
Part B

Unit 29 Other Important Nouns & Verbs 其他重要名詞及動詞
Part A
Part B

Unit30 Other Important Adjectives & Adverbs 其他重要形容詞及副詞
Part A
Part B
Exercise Ten


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