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  • 作者:萬碧玉
  • 出版社:中國建築工業
  • ISBN:9787112217922
  • 出版日期:2018/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:235
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:

    從城市需求到智慧與可持續總結了國際電工委員會(IEC)智慧城市研究的寶貴經驗,萬碧玉主編的《From CITY ISSUES to SMART AND SUSTAINABLE(英文版)》嘗試針對建設智慧城市的內容、參與者和實現方式等問題給出解決途徑和建議,旨在呼籲各類國際標準化組織之間開展更為廣泛的配合,最終建成更為全面、高效、經濟、可持續的城市。

    萬碧玉(工學博士),研究員,現任中國城市科學研究會智慧城市聯合實驗室首席科學家。     日本國立神戶大學博士畢業,主要從事空間信息技術、人工智慧、物聯網技術等研究工作。曾任啟明集團海外事業部主任,日本神戶大學研究員,文部科學省年青科學家支持基金獲得者。現任國際標準組織ISO TC268 SCl智慧城市基礎設施計量分技術委員會副主席,國際電工委員會智慧城市系統評價組IEC SEG1工作組負責人。北京郵電大學兼職教授,香港中文大學客座講師。主要從事智慧城市(城市科學)理論與政策研究、標準化、國際合作等。

Preamble I
Preamble II
Preamble III
Preamble IV
Chapter 1 Understanding Smart City
  1.1 Smart city evolution
    1.1.1 Digital city
    1.1.2 Smart city
    1.1.3 The new-type smart city
  1.2 Smart city essentials
    1.2.1 Advanced stage of urban informatization
    1.2.2 Innovation for the strength
    1.2.3 Equity for the people
    1.2.4 Sustainability for the future
  1.3 Smart city partnership
    1.3.1 Standardizing smart city internationally
    1.3.2 Constructing smart city globally
Chapter 2 Framework of Smart City
  2.1 Infrastructure system of smart city
  2.2 Technical support system of smart city
  2.3 Business system of smart city
  2.4 Investment and financing system of smart city
  2.5 Policy system of smart city
  2.6 Standards system of smart city
Chapter 3 Practice of Smart City
  3.1 Smart city regional chapter
    3.1.1 Opportunities and challenges for smart city development
    in western countries
    3.1.2 Opportunities and challenges for the development of smart
    cities in southeast asia
    3.1.3 One belt and one road smart city development
    opportunities and challenges
  3.2 Smart city-nation chapter
    3.2.1 Policies guide development
    3.2.2 Human being is the key to core quality
    3.2.3 Overall progress of pilot projects in china
  3.3 Smart city--cites
    3.3.1 One city, one policy lead smart development
    3.3.2 Integration of urban and rural characteristics
    3.3.3 Four innovations for the new type smart city
  3.4 Industries of smart city
    3.4.1 Urban simulation
    3.4.2 City surveillance and management
    3.4.3 Smart Homes
Chapter 4 City Needs Survey
  4.1 Background of the city needs questionnaire
  4.2 Questionnaire design method
  4.3 Data collection and analysis
  4.4 Findings
    4.4.1 Participants

    4.4.2 City needs analysis
    4.4.3 City needs by different stakeholders
  4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 The Significance and Importance of Sustainable
  Development of Smart City
  5.1 Remolding urban planning
    5.1.1 Cultivation of urban planners for the new era
    5.1.2 Enrichment of urban planning architecture
  5.2 Redefining urban physical space and the urban composition
    5.2.1 Changing the urban spatial organism
    5.2.2 Promotion of regional equilibrium
    5.2.3 Construction of renewed urban space
  5.3 Enhancing urban construction, management, and
    operational efficiency
    5.3.1 Extending individual participation in urban planning
    5.3.2 Providing public information platform for enhanced
    servicing capacities
    5.3.3 Effectively enhancing urban operational efficiency
  5.4 Balancing urbanization and regionalization
  5.5 Driving the new-fashion urbanization
  5.6 Propelling urban economy
    5.6.1 Cultivating new industries
    5.6.2 Toward anoptimized urban industrial structure
    5.6.3 Providing new engine for economic growth
    5.6.4 Promoting the green economy
  5.7 Safekeeping the society
    5.7.1 Better life for the people
    5.7.2 Extending the urban welfare
  5.8 Promoting innovation and elevating competitiveness
  5.9 Forging eco-balance, attaining sustainability
    5.9.1 Stepping up the regulation on energy conservation and
    emission reduction
    5.9.2 Fostering harmony between human and nature
    5.9.3 Building ecological civilization
    5.9.4 Attaining urban sustainability
Chapter 6 The Future of Smart City
  6.1 Technologies that affect the future
    6.1.1 Virtual space technology
    6.1.2 Real space technology
    6.1.3 Comprehensive field of related technologies
  6.2 The future of the city
  6.3 The future of smart cities
Chapter 7 Case Analysis
  7.1 Introduction
  7.2 Smart food traceability system (SFTS)
    7.2.1 Beneficiary stories and high-level user stories of SFTS
    7.2.2 SFTS solutions
    7.2.3 Case study-shanghai food traceability platform
    7.2.4 Summary
  7.3 Urban design and simulation platform

    7.3.1 Needs analysis
    7.3.2 Solutions
    7.3.3 Case study-nanjing urban design and simulation platform
    7.3.4 Summary
  7.4 Smart elevator monitoring system (SEMS)
    7.4.1 Needs analysis of SEMS
    7.4.2 Solutions of SEMS
    7.4.3 Case study-practice of SEMS in nanjing, China
    7.4.4 Summary
  7.5 Smart payment
    7.5.1 Needs analysis of smart payment
    7.5.2 Solutions of smart payment
    7.5.3 Case study-practices of smart payment
    7.5.4 Summary
  7.6 Data exchange and sharing in smart cities
    7.6.1 Beijing almighty virtual card application and security
    management platform
    7.6.2 Data exchange and sharing for community infrastructure
    based on "Map World.Nanjing"
  7.7 Reviewing global smart city experience
    7.7.1 Amsterdam
    7.7.2 Barcelona
    7.7.3 Stockholm
    7.7.4 Manchester
  7.8 Discussion
    7.8.1 Challenges of standards development organizations
    7.8.2 Inspirations for standardization
Chapter 8 Annex: Introduction of ISO/TC268/SC1 Series of
  8.1 ISO 37151
  8.2 ISO/TR 37152:2016
  8.3 ISO/FDIS 37153
  8.4 ISO/FDIS 37154
  8.5 ISO/CD 37155
  8.6 ISO/WD 37156
  8.7 ISO/FDIS 37157
  8.8 ISO/DIS 37158

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