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  • 作者:編者:王躍春
  • 出版社:暨南大學
  • ISBN:9787566823311
  • 出版日期:2018/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:205
人民幣:RMB 43 元      售價:

    王躍春主編的《生理學實驗指南及醫學研究基礎》根據作者多年的教學經驗和實踐編寫而成。為適應功能實驗室平台的建設,本書介紹了學生進行觀察和掌握的核心實驗內容,對兩種常規使用的軟體系統(BL-420i integrated Signal acquisition and processing system 和Webchat system 4000 for human experiments)進行詳細的介紹;為了順應建設高水平大學和培養具有科研思維和創新精神的複合型人才的需要,增加了實驗報告和科研論文的書寫規範與技巧、生理學實驗設計、基本醫學科研方法。為實現高等教育要提高學生人文素養和創新意識的目標,書中還增加了與「諾貝爾生理或醫學獎」相關的生理學經典實驗的介紹等內容。

    王躍春,血液內科學博士,暨南大學基礎醫學院生理學系副教授,碩士生導師,主要研究方向為神經生理與臨床以及幹細胞生理與臨床。2010—2012年在香港大學李嘉誠醫學院外科學系、2013—2015年在美國加州羅馬琳達大學生理學系及神經生物學研究室做訪問學者。廣東省「生理學精品課程」「雙語生理學網路課程」「廣東省生理學教學團隊項目」以及教育部「來華留學優質示範課程生理學」的核心成員。在教學方面,主持完成「人體生理學」和「諾貝爾獎解析一醫學篇」兩項優質示範課程,廣受好評;開設通識教育核心課程「諾貝爾獎解析一醫學篇」。以第一作者發表SCI論文8篇。主持各類科研課題8項。編寫出版《感覺器官生理學》《環境生理學》、ClinicalRespiratory Medicine, Peptide Nanofiber Scaffold forBrain Tissue Reconstruction等多本著作和教材。


Chapter I  Introduction to Physiological Experiments
  Section 1  General course description of physiological experiments
  Section 2  Laboratory rules and requirements of physiological experiments
  Section 3  The development of physiological experiment and basic types of physiological experiment
  Section 4  Preparation for common reagents used in physiological laboratory
  Section 5  Formats and requirements of physiological experimental reports
Chapter II  Animal Experiments
  Section 1  Basic technique for amphibian animal experiments
  Section 2  Basic technique for mammal experiments
  Section 3  Basic technique for rodent animal experiments
  Section 4  BL- 420 biological data acquisition and analysis system
  Section 5  Specific animal experiments
    Experiment 1  Sciatic-gastrocnemius preparation
    Experiment 2  Threshold, supra-threshold and maximal stimulus
    Experiment 3  Single muscle twitch, frequency summation, and tetanization
    Experiment 4  Action potential of nerve trunk
    Experiment 5  Conduction velocity of compound AP of nerve trunk
    Experiment 6  The pacemaker of frog heart
    Experiment 7  Extrasystole and compensatory pause of the frog heart
    Experiment 8  Osmotic fragility of the red blood corpuscles
    Experiment 9  Regulation of respiration movement
    Experiment 10  Regulation of cardiovascular system
    Experiment 11  Physiological properties of smooth muscle of digestive tract
    Experiment 12  Factors affecting urinary formation
    Experiment 13  The reflex arc
    Experiment 14  Ataxia induced by cerebellar injury in mouse
Chapter III  Human Experiments
  Section I  Introduction to WebChart -400 system for human experiments
  Section 2  Specific human experiments
    Experiment 1  Recording of human respiratory movement
    Experiment 2  Detection of heart sounds
    Experiment 3  Measurement of blood pressure
    Experiment 4  Recording of an electrocardiogram
    Experiment 5  Determination of ABO blood types
    Experiment 6  Examination of visual acuity
    Experiment 7  Examination of visual fields
    Experiment 8  Examination of blind spot
    Experiment 9  Examination of color blindness
    Experiment 10  Conduction ways of sound
    Experiment 11  Induction of knee jerk reflex
    Experiment 12  Human auditory and visual responses
Chapter IV  Fundamentals of Medical Research
  Section 1  Scientific method and experimental medicine
  Section 2  Basic principles of experimental medicine
  Section 3  Guidelines to write and publish a research paper
Chapter V  Experimental Design
  Section 1  Introduction to experimental design
  Section 2  Methods for designing a g
  Section 3  An example of physiological experimental design
  Section 4  An example of a full lab report
  Section 5  Suggested topics for physiological experimental design
  Appendix 1  Laboratory syllabus for physiological experiment(Applicable to clinical medicine)
  Appendix 2  Laboratory syllabus for human physiological experiment(Applicable to phamacology)
  Appendix 3  Grade table for examination in physiological experiments
  Appendix 4  An example of physiological experimental report

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