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  • 作者:(英)T.W.B.基布爾//F.H.波克夏
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519226220
  • 出版日期:2017/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:478
人民幣:RMB 85 元      售價:



Useful Constants and Units
List of Symbols
1.  Introduction
  1.1  Space and Time
  1.2  Newton's Laws
  1.3  The Concepts of Mass and Force
  1.4  External Forces
  1.5  Summary
2.  Linear Motion
  2.1  Conservative Forces; Conservation of Energy
  2.2  Motion near Equilibrium; the Harmonic Oscillator
  2.3  Complex Representation
  2.4  The Law of Conservation of Energy
  2.5  The Damped Oscillator
  2.6  Oscillator under Simple Periodic Force
  2.7  General Periodic Force
  2.8  Impulsive Forces; the Green's Function Method
  2.9  Collision Problems
  2.10  Summary
3.  Energy and Angular Momentum
  3.1  Energy; Conservative Forces
  3.2  Projectiles
  3.3  Moments; Angular Momentum
  3.4  Central Forces; Conservation of Angular Momentum
  3.5  Polar Co-ordinates
  3.6  The Calculus of Variations
  3.7  Hamilton's Principle; Lagrange's Equations
  3.8  Summary
4.  Central Conservative Forces
  4.1  The Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator
  4.2  The Conservation Laws
  4.3  The Inverse Square Law
  4.4  Orbits
  4.5  Scattering Cross-sections
  4.6  Mean Free Path
  4.7  Rutherford Scattering
  4.8  Summary
5.  Rotating Frames
  5.1  Angular Velocity; Rate of Change of a Vector
  5.2  Particle in a Uniform Magnetic Field
  5.3  Acceleration; Apparent Gravity
  5.4  Coriolis Force
  5.5  Larmor Effect
  5.6  Angular Momentum and the Larmor Effect
  5.7  Summary
6.  Potential Theory
  6.1  Gravitational and Electrostatic Potentials
  6.2  The Dipole and Quadrupole
  6.3  Spherical Charge Distributions

  6.4  Expansion of Potential at Large Distances
  6.5  The Shape of the Earth
  6.6  The Tides
  6.7  The Field Equations
  6.8  Summary
7.  The Two-Body Problem
  7.1  Centre-of-mass and Relative Co-ordinates
  7.2  The Centre-of-mass Frame
  7.3  Elastic Collisions
  7.4  CM and Lab Cross-sections
  7.5  Summary
8.  Many-Body Systems
  8.1  Momentum; Centre-of-mass Motion
  8.2  Angular Momentum; Central Internal Forces
  8.3  The Earth-Moon System
  8.4  Energy; Conservative Forces
  8.5  Lagrange's Equations
  8.6  Summary
9.  Rigid Bodies
  9.1  Basic Principles
  9.2  Rotation about an Axis
  9.3  Perpendicular Components of Angular Momentum
  9.4  Principal Axes of Inertia
  9.5  Calculation of Moments of Inertia
  9.6  Effect of a Small Force on the Axis
  9.7  Instantaneous Angular Velocity
  9.8  Rotation about a Principal Axis
  9.9  Euler's Angles
  9.10  Summary
10.  Lagrangian Mechanics
  10.1  Generalized Co-ordinates; Holonomic Systems
  10.2  Lagrange's Equations
  10.3  Precession of a Symmetric Top
  10.4  Pendulum Constrained to Rotate about an Axis
  10.5  Charged Particle in an Electromagnetic Field
  10.6  The Stretched String
  10.7  Summary
11.  Small Oscillations and Normal Modes
  11.1  Orthogonal Co-ordinates
  11.2  Equations of Motion for Small Oscillations
  11.3  Normal Modes
  11.4  Coupled Oscillators
  11.5  Oscillations of Particles on a String
  11.6  Normal Modes of a Stretched String
  11.7  Summary
12.  Hamiltonian Mechanics
  12.1  Hamilton's Equations
  12.2  Conservation of Energy
  12.3  Ignorable Co-ordinates
  12.4  General Motion of the Symmetric Top

  12.5  Liouville's Theorem
  12.6  Symmetries and Conservation Laws
  12.7  Galilean Transformations
  12.8  Summary
13.  Dynamical Systems and Their Geometry
  13.1  Phase Space and Phase Portraits
  13.2  First-order Systems -- the Phase Line (n = 1)
  13.3  Second-order Systems -- the Phase Plane (n -- 2)
  13.4  Prey-Predator, Competing-species Systems and War
  13.5  Limit Cycles
  13.6  Systems of Third (and Higher) Order
  13.7  Sensitivity to Initial Conditions and Predictability
  13.8  Summary
14.  Order and Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems
  14.1  Integrability
  14.2  Surfaces of Section
  14.3  Action/Angle Variables
  14.4  Some Hamiltonian Systems which Exhibit Chaos
  14.5  Slow Change of Parameters -- Adiabatic Invariance
  14.6  Near-integrable Systems
  14.7  Summary
Appendix A.  Vectors
  A.1  Definitions and Elementary Properties
  A.2  The Scalar Product
  A.3  The Vector Product
  A.4  Differentiation and Integration of Vectors
  A.5  Gradient, Divergence and Curl
  A.6  Integral Theorems
  A.7  Electromagnetic Potentials
  A.8  Curvilinear Co-ordinates
  A.9  Tensors
  A.10 Eigenvalues; Diagonalization of a Symmetric Tensor
Appendix B.  Conics
  B.1  Cartesian Form
  B.2  Polar Form
Appendix C.  Phase Plane Analysis near Critical Points
  C.1  Linear Systems and their Classification
  C.2  Almost Linear Systems
  C.3  Systems of Third (and Higher) Order
Appendix D.  Discrete Dynamical Systems -- Maps
  D.1  One-dimensional Maps
  D.2  Two-dimensional Maps
  D.3  Twist Maps and Torus Breakdown
Answers to Problems

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