I.Equations yd=f(x)and yq-y=f(x)
1.Finite Fields
2.Equations yd=t(x)
3.Construction of certain polynomiale
4.Proof of the Main Theorem
5.Removal of the condition (m,d)=1
7.Removal of the condition that q=p or p2 .
9.Equations yq-y=f(x)
II.Character Sums and Exponential Sums
1.Characters of Finite Abelian Groups
2.Characters and Character Sums associated with Finite Flelds
3.Gaussian sums
4.The low road.
5.Systems of equations y1d1=f1(x), ,yndn=fn(x).
6.Auxiliary lemmas on wv1+…+□
7.Further auxillary lemmas
8.Zeta Function and L-Functions
9.special L-Functions
10.Fleld extengiong.The Davenport-Hasse relations
11.Proof of the Principal Theorems
12.Kloosterman Sums
13.Further Results
III.Abeolutoly Irreducible Equatione f(x,y)=0
2.Independence results
4.Construction of two algebraic functions
5.Constructlon of two polynomlals
6.Proof of the Main Theorem
8.Hyperderivatives again
9.Removal of the condition that q=p
IV.Equations in Many Variables
1.Theorems of Chevalley and Warning
2.Quadratic forms
3.Elementary upper bounds.Projective zeros
4.The average number of zeros of a polynomial
5.Additive Bquatione:A Chebychev Argument
6.Additive Equations:Character Sums
7.Bquations f,(y)x,l1+ +f(y)xn=o
V.Absolutely Irreducible squations f(x,.…,x)=0
1.Elimination Theory
2.The absolute irreducibility of polynomlals(I)
3.The abaolute irreducibllity of polynomial8(II)
4.The absolute 1rreducibility of polynomlals(III)
5.The number of zeroe of abaolutely irreducib1e polynomiale in n varlables
VI.Rudimente of Algebraic Goometry,The Number of Pointa in Varieties over Finite Fields
3.Rational Maps
5.Linear Disjointness of Fields
6.Constant Field Extensions
7.Counting Points in Varieties Over Finite Pields