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  • 作者:編者:袁振宏
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030564818
  • 出版日期:2018/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:457
人民幣:RMB 188 元      售價:



1  Biomass ethanol fuel techn
  1.1 Characteristics and application of ethanol
    1.1.1 Physical and chemical properties of ethanol
    1.1.2 Performance comparison of ethanol and gasoline/d
  1.2 Production theory of bioethanot
    1.2.1  The main methods of ethanol production Microbial fermentation Syngas to eth
    1.2.2 Biochemical process of ethanol ferment Carbohydrate degradation Glycolysis
    1.2.3  Ethanol fermentation microbiology Ethanol fermentation microbiology based on a sugar platform Pentose fermenting microbes
    1.2.4  Breeding of ethanol fermentation microorganisms High ethanol tolerant strains High temperature resistant strains Pentose fermentation st Saccharification function strains Engineered bacteria for consolidated bioproces The breeding of syngas fermentation microorganisms
  1.3 Ethanol production from starch feedstocks
    1.3.1 Crushing
    1.3.2  Steaming and ge[atinization
    1.3.3  Saccharification Separate hydrolysis and fermentation process Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process Partial simultaneous saccharification and fermentation process Ethanol Fermentation Ethanol extraction and purificat Examples of industrial production
  1.4 Ethanol production from sugar feedsto
    1.4.1  Technical process of ethanol production from sugar feedstocks Technological requirements for processing molasses feedstock Devices for the dilution of molasses The treatment process of molasses Acidification, sterilization, clarification, and addition of nutrient molasses
    1.4.2 Ethanol production from sweet sorghum s Solid-state fermentation process Liquid fermentation process
    1.4.3 Bioethanol production cases from sweet sorghum Continuous solid-state fermentation proc Raw material pretreatment Yeast activation Joint blender mixer Fermentation
  1.5 Ethanol production from cellulosic materials
    1.5.1 Pretreatm e nts Dilute acid pretreatment Liquid hot water pretreatment Steam explosion pretreatment
    1.5.2 Enzymatic hydrolysis and ethanol fermentation of cellulosic materla[s Types of ceUulase and their structures The hydrolysis mechanism of cel[ Factors affecting enzymatic hydrolysis Ethanol fermentation
    1.5.3  A case of cellulosic ethanol production
  1.6 Analysis of the economics of ethanol fuel production
    1.6.1 Analysis of the economics of ethanol fuel production using starch raw material
    1.6.2  Analysis of the economics of ethanol fuel production using sugar raw material
    1.6.3  Analysis of the economics of ethanol fuel production using cellulose raw material Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation Two-stage dilute acid hydrolysis process
  1.7 Environmental impacts of fuel ethanol production and control approaches
    1.7.1 Sources of pollutants during ethanol product
    1.7.2  Waste treatment meth The production of feed The production of feed yeast Anaerobic treatment Aerobic treatment Dilution agricultural irrigation method Concentration

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