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Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China(共2冊)(精)

  • 作者:編者:Rong Jiayu
  • 出版社:科學
  • ISBN:9787030548122
  • 出版日期:2018/01/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:1096
人民幣:RMB 1100 元      售價:

    This book consists of two volumes with nine geochronologicaldivisions from the Cambrian to Cretaceous. It provides acomprehensive revision and taxonomic update of all genera that arebased on their type species from China established before 2016.Altogether, there are 757 genera in 15 orders and nearly 200families, of which 452 are treated as valid and 18 are excludedfrom brachiopods. Diagnoses, comparisons, assigned species, andtemporal and spatial distributions of almost all genera are thoroughlyreviewed, and faunal successions and palaeobiogeography of eachgeologic period are presented. Almost all the relevant type specimensare illustrated in 125 plates. This book provides the most completeand consistent dataset of all brachiopod genera based on the Chinesematerials. It will be of interest to palaeontologists, geologists andbiologists who wish to learn the Chinese brachiopods and theirbearings on biostratigraphy, biogeography and other related areas.
    本書為《Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China(共2冊)(精)》,由Rong Jiayu主編。

編者:Rong Jiayu

  A Systematic Summary of the Phanerozoic Brachiopods of China (in Chinese)
  I.Historical review
  II.General features
  III.Taxonomic treatment
  IV.Temporal distribution
  VI.Notes on macroevolution of the brachiopods of China
  VII.Editing format
Cambrian Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  II.Cambrian stratigraphy of China
  III.Cambrian brachiopod faunas of China
  IV.Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plates 1- 7
Ordovician Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  I. Introduction
  II. Distribution and biostratigraphy
  III. Ordovician brachiopod faunas of China
  IV. Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plates 01-O18
Silurian Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  II.Silurian stratigraphy of China
  III.Silurian brachiopod faunas in China
  IV.Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plates S 1 S 10
Devonian Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  II.Distribution of Devonian rocks
  III.Devonian brachiopod biostratigraphy of China
  IV.Devonian brachiopod biogeography of China
  V.Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plates D 1-D28
Carboniferous Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  II.Carboniferous stratigraphy of China
  III.Carboniferous brachiopod successions of China
  IV.Carboniferous brachiopod biogeography of China
  V.Carboniferous brachiopod diversity pattern of China
  VI.Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plates C 1-C 13

Permian Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  II.Permian stratigraphy of China
  III.Permian brachiopod biogeography of China
  IV.Permian brachiopod successions of China
  V.Permian brachiopod diversity patterns of China
  VI.Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plates P1 P34
Triassic Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  II.Stratigraphical succession of Triassic brachiopods of China
  III.Triassic brachiopod biogeography of China
  IV.Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plates T 1-T 12
Jurassic Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  II.Stratigraphical succession of Jurassic brachiopods of China
  III.Jurassic brachiopod biogeography of China
  IV.Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plate J
Cretaceous Brachiopod Genera on Type Species of China
  II.Stratigraphical succession of Cretaceous brachiopods of China
  III.Cretaceous brachiopod biogeography of China
  IV.Systematic palaeontology
  Explanation of Plates K1, K2
  Index of Genera
  Lithostratigraphical Index (Formations)

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