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  • 作者:(法國)大仲馬
  • 出版社:譯林
  • ISBN:9787544770910
  • 出版日期:2017/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:663
人民幣:RMB 65 元      售價:


    亞歷山大·仲馬(1802-1870年),又稱大仲馬,法國19世紀浪漫主義作家,傑出的通俗小說家。他的祖父是侯爵德·拉·巴那特里,與黑奴結合生下其父。大仲馬在三歲的時候父親病故了,二十歲的他隻身闖盪巴黎,曾經當過公爵的書記員、國民自衛軍指揮官6他自學成才,一生創作的各類作品達三百卷之多,主要以小說和劇作著稱於世。     大仲馬的通俗小說情節迂迴曲折,結構完整巧妙,人物形象鮮明,對話精彩生動,在藝術上有著極高的成就,是世界通俗小說中獨一無二的作品,大仲馬因此享有「通俗小說之王」的稱號。其代表作有《三個火槍手》《基督山伯爵》等。

Select Bibliography
A Chronology of Alexandre Dumas
Author's Preface
1  The Three Presents of M. D'Artagnan, the Father
2  The Antechamber of M. de Treville
3  The Audience
4  The Shoulder of Athos, the Belt of Porthos, and the Handkerchief of Aramis
5  The King's Musketeers and the Cardinal's Guards
6  His Majesty King Louis the Thirteenth
7  The Domestic Manners of the Musketeers
8  The Court Intrigue
9  D'Artagnan Begins to Show Himself
10  A Mousetrap of the Seventeenth Century
11  The Intrigue Becomes Confused
12  George ViUiers, Duke of Buckingham
13  Monsieur Bonaacieux
14  The Man of Meuag
15  Civilians and Soldiers
16  In which the Keeper of the Seals, Siguier, looked more than once after the bell, that he might ring it as he had been used to do
17  The Bonancieux Household
18  The Lover and the Husband
19  The Plan of Campaign
20  The Journey
21  The Countess de Winter
22  The Ballet of" The Merlaison"
23  The Appointment
24  The Pavilion
25  Porthos
26  The Thesis of Aramis
27  The Wife of Athos
28  The Return
29  The Hunt after Equipments
30  'My Lady'
31  English and French
32  An Attorney's Dinner
33  Maid and Mistress
34  Concerning the Equipments of Aramis and Porthos
35  All Cats are alike Gray in the Dark
36  The Dream of Vengeance
37  The Lady's Secret
38  How, without disturbing himself, Athos obtained his Equipment
39  A Charming Vision
40  A Terrible Vision
41  The Siege of La Rochelle
42  The Wine of Anjou
43  The Red Dove-Cot Tavern
44  The Utility of Stove Funnels
45  A Conjugal Scene

46  The Bastion of St. Gervais
47  The Council of the Musketeers
48  A Family Affair
49  Fatality
50  A Chat between a Brother and Sister
51  The Officer
52  The First Day of Imprisonment
53  The Second Day of Imprisonment
54  The Third Day of Imprisonment
55  The Fourth Day of Imprisonment
56  The Fifth Day of Imprisonment
57  An Event in Classical Tragedy
58  The Escape
59  What happened at Portsmouth, on the Twenty-third of August, 1628
60  In France
61  The Carmelite Convent of Bethunc
62  Two Kinds of Demons
63  A Drop of Water
64  The Man in the Red Cloak
65  The Judgment
66  The Execution
67  A Message from The Cardinal
The Epilogue
Explanatory Notes

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