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  • 作者:編者:毛綱源//馬迎秋//梁敏|總主編:米洪海//毛綱源
  • 出版社:華中科技大學
  • ISBN:9787568028288
  • 出版日期:2017/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:268
人民幣:RMB 42.8 元      售價:



Chapter 1 Determinant
  1.1  Definition of Determinant
    1.1.1  Determinant arising from the solution of linear system
    1.1.2  The definition of determinant of order n
    1.1.3  Determine the sign of each term in a determinant
  Exercise 1.1
  1.2  Basic Properties of Determinant and Its Applications
    1.2.1  Basic properties of determinant
    1.2.2  Applications of basic properties of determinant
  Exercise 1.2
  1.3  Expansion of Determinant
    1.3.1  Expanding a determinant using one row (column)
    1.3.2  Expanding a determinant along k rows (columns)
  Exercise 1.3
  1.4  Cramer』s Rule
  Exercise 1.4
Chapter 2 Matrix
  2.1  Matrix Operations
    2.1.1  The concept of matrices
    2.1.2  Matrix Operations
  Exercise 2.1
  2.2  Some Special Matrices
  Exercise 2.2
  2.3  Partitioned Matrices
  Exercise 2.3
  2.4  The Inverse of Matrix
    2.4.1  Finding the inverse of an n×n matrix
    2.4.2  Application to economics
    2.4.3  Properties of inverse matrix
    2.4.4  The adjoint matrix A? (or adjA) of A
    2.4.5  The inverse of block matrix
  Exercise 2.4
  2.5  Elementary Operations and Elementary Matrices
    2.5.1  Definitions and properties
    2.5.2  Application of elementary operations and elementary matrices
  2.6  Rank of Matrix
    2.6.1  Concept of rank of a matrix
    2.6.2  Find the rank of matrix
  Exercise 2.6
Chapter 3 Solving Linear System by Gaussian Elimination Method
  3.1  Solving Nonhomogeneous Linear System by Gaussian Elimination Method
  3.2  Solving Homogeneous Linear Systems by Gaussian Elimination Method
  Exercise 3
Chapter 4 Vectors
  4.1  Vectors and its Linear Operations
    4.1.1  Vectors
    4.1.2  Linear operations of vectors
    4.1.3  A linear combination of vectors
  Exercise 4.1

  4.2  Linear Dependence of a Set of Vectors
  Exercise 4.2
  4.3  Rank of a Set of Vectors
    4.3.1  A maximal independent subset of a set of vectors
    4.3.2  Rank of a set of vectors
  Exercise 4.3
Chapter 5 Structure of Solutions of a System
  5.1  Structure of Solutions of a System of Homogeneous Linear Equations
    5.1.1  Properties of solutions of a system of homogeneous linear equations
    5.1.2  A system of fundamental solutions
    5.1.3  General solution of homogeneous system
    5.1.4  Solutions of system of equations with given solutions of the system
  Exercise 5.1
  5.2  Structure of Solutions of a System of Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations
    5.2.1  Properties of solutions
    5.2.2  General solution of nonhomogeneous equations
    5.2.3  The simple and convenient method of finding the system of fundamental solutions and particular solution
  Exercise 5.2
Chapter 6 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Matrices
  6.1  Find the Eigenvalue and Eigenvector of Matrix
  Exercise 6.1
  6.2  The Proof of Problems Related with Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  Exercise 6.2
  6.3  Diagonalization
    6.3.1  Criterion of diagonalization
    6.3.2  Application of diagonalization
  Exercise 6.3
  6.4  The Properties of Similar Matrices
  Exercise 6.4
  6.5  Real Symmetric Matrices
    6.5.1  Scalar product of two vectors and its basis properties
    6.5.2  Orthogonal vector set
    6.5.3  Orthogonal matrix and its properties
    6.5.4  Properties of real symmetric matrix
  Exercise 6.5
Chapter 7 Quadratic Forms
  7.1  Quadratic Forms and Their Standard Forms
  Exercise 7.1
  7.2  Classification of Quadratic Forms and Positive Definite Quadratic(Positive Definite Matrix)
    7.2.1  Classification of Quadratic Form
    7.2.2  Criterion of a positive definite matrix
  Exercise 7.2
  7.3  Criterion of Congruent Matrices
  Exercise 7.3
Answers to Exercises
Appendix Index

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