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  • 作者:魏冬青//馬亦龍//曹志成//徐沁//周豐豐|總主編:陳竺//沈曉明
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313180957
  • 出版日期:2017/11/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:437
人民幣:RMB 268 元      售價:



Part I  Computer-Aided Drug Discovery
  1  Drug Discovery
    Geetha Ramakrishnan
  2  Translational Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery
    Pramodkumar Pyarelal Gupta
  3  Translational Research in Drug Discovery and Development
    Neha Arora, Pawan Kumar Maurya, and Puneet Kacker
  4  Exploring the Potential of Herbal Ligands Toward Multidrug-Resistant Bacterial Pathogens by Computational Drug Discovery
    Sinosh Skariyachan
Part II  Protein-Ligand Interactions and Drug Development
  5  The Progress of New Targets of Anti-HIV and Its Inhibitors
    Ke Z. Wu and Ai X. Li
  6  Recent Studies on Mechanisms of New Drug Candidates for Alzheimer's Disease Interacting with Amyloid-β Protofibrils Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
    Huai-Meng Fan, Qin Xu, and Dong-Qing Wei
  7  Homology Modelling, Structure-Based Pharmacophore Modelling, High-Throughput Virtual Screening and Docking Studies of L-Type Calcium Channel for Cadmium Toxicity
    Madhu Sudhana Saddala and A. Usha Rani
  8  Natural Compounds Are Smart Players in Context to Anticancer Potential of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases:
    An In Silico and In Vitro Advancement
    Pushpendra Singh, Shashank Kumar, and Felix Bast
Part III  Omics for Precision Medicine
  9   Genome-Wide Association Studies: A Comprehensive Tool
    to Explore Comparative Genomic Variations and Interactions
    Aruni Wilson
  10  A Survey of Bioinformatics-Based Tools in RNA-Sequencing
    (RNA-Seq) Data Analysis
    Pallavi Gaur and Anoop Chaturvedi
  11  Epigenetics and Its Role in Human Cancer
    Utkarsh Raj and Pritish Kumar Varadwaj
  12  Methods for Microhiome Analysis
    Kalibulla Syed Ibrahim and Nachimuthu Senthil Kumar
  13  Pharmacogenomics: Clinical Perspective, Strategies,and Challenges
    Dev Bukhsh Singh
Part IV  Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and System Biology Approaches to Complex Diseases
  14  Computational Network Approaches and Their Applications for Complex Diseases
    Ankita Shukla and Tiratha Raj Singh
  15  Bioinformatics Applications in Clinical Microbiology
    Chao Zhang, Shunfu Xu, and Dong Xu
Part V  Bioimaging and Other Applications of Informatics Techniques in Translational Medicine
  16  Artificial Intelligence and Automatic Image Interpretation in Modern Medicine
    Costin Teodor Streba, Mihaela Ionescu, Cristin Constantin Vere, and Ion Rogoveanu
  17  Computation in Medicine: Medical Image Analysis and Visualization
    Adekunle Micheal Adeshina

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