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  • 作者:(奧)普赫塔//(英)斯特蘭克斯//(澳)利維
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513570664
  • 出版日期:2016/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:254
人民幣:RMB 105 元      售價:

    《劍橋英語青少版(第一版)》(English in Mind, 1st edition)是一套旨在培養廣大青少年學習者綜合英語能力的教材。學生用書包括16個學習單元,每個單元設計了聽、說、讀、寫、語法、辭彙、語音、日常用語等教學活動。本書是一套注重語言能力培養、關注青少年成長的國際化英語教材,適合廣大英語培訓機構和全日制英語特色學校使用。其科學的理念和豐富的學習資源必將讓中國青少年全面體驗到通過英語看世界的樂趣,也將幫助準備出國深造的學生提前做好語言和心智的儲備。


Unit 1 Things we like doing
  Study help: organising vocabulary into groups
  Skills tip: preparation for listening
Unit 2 School life
  Study help: listing verbs and nouns
  Skills tip: reading for general ideas
Unit 3 A helping hand
  Study help: learning the phonetic alphabet
  Skills tip: brainstorming ideas
Unit 4 A healthy life
  Study help: making a spidergram
  Skills tip: reading for specific information
Unit 5 My hero!
  Study help: listing phrasal verbs
  Skills tip: wider reading about interests
Unit 6 Good friends
  Study help: listing irregular past forms
  Skills tip: listening for the main meaning
Unit 7 The secrets of success
  Study help: marking word stress
  Skills tip: using connectors to link written ideas
Unit 8 New ideas
  Study help: recording positive and negative adjectives
  Skills tip: guessing meaning from context
Unit 9 The languages we speak
  Study help: assessing progress
  Skills tip: practising listening outside the classroom
Unit 10 We're going on holiday
  Study help: using a dictionary (1)
  Skills tip: answering questions on a reading text
Unit 11 What will happen?
  Study help: using a dictionary (2)
  Skills tip: using adjectives to improve writing
Unit 12 Never give up!
  Study help: listing common spellings
  Skills tip: planning a narrative
Unit 13 Good intentions
  Study help: practising speaking outside the classroom
  Skills tip: using tapescripts
Unit 14 You shouldn't do that!
  Study help: grouping adjectives with opposites
  Skills tip: answering true/false questions
Unit 15 How brave!
  Study help: remembering and revising grammar
  Skills tip: organising a written report
Unit 16 It's a mad world
  Study help: listing past verb forms
  Skills tip: checking and self-correction
Grammar reference

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