幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(德)P.O.J謝勒
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519219635
  • 出版日期:2017/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:480
人民幣:RMB 80 元      售價:



Part I  Numerical Methods
  1  Error Analysis
    1.1  Machine Numbers and Rounding Errors
    1.2  Numerical Errors of Elementary Floating Point Operations
      1.2.1  Numerical Extinction
      1.2.2  Addition
      1.2.3  Multiplication
    1.3  Error Propagation
    1.4  Stability of lterative Algorithms
    1.5  Example: Rotation
    1.6  Truncation Error
    1.7  Problems
  2  Interpolation
    2.1  Interpolating Functions
    2.2 Polynomial Interpolation
      2.2.1  lagrange Polynomials
      2.2.2  Barycentric Lagrange Interpolation
      2.2.3  Newton's Divided Differences
      2.2.4  Neville Method
      2.2.5  Error of Polynomial Interpolation
    2.3  Splice Interpolation
    2.4  Rational Interpolation
      2.4.1  Pad6 Approximant
      2.4.2  Barycentric Rational Interpolation
    2.5  Multivariate Interpolation
    2.6  Problems
  3  Numerical Differentiation
    3.1  One-Sided Difference Quotient
    3.2  Central Difference Quotient
    3.3  Extrapolation Methods
    3.4  Higher Derivatives
    3.5  Partial Derivatives of Multivariate Functions
    3.6  Problems
  4  Numerical Integration
    4.1  Equidistant Sample Points
      4.1.1  Closed Newton-Cotes Formulae
      4.1.2  Open Newton-Cotes Formulae
      4.1.3  Composite Newton-Cotes Rules
      4.1.4  Extrapolation Method (Romberg Integration)
    4.2  Optimized Sample Points
      4.2.1  Clenshaw-Curtis Expressions
      4.2.2  Gaussian Integration.
    4.3  Problems
  5  Systems of Inhomogeneous Linear Equations
    5.1  Gaussian Elimination Method
      5.1.1  Pivoting
      5.1.2  Direct LU Decomposition
    5.2  QR Decomposition
      5.2.1  QR Decomposition by Orthogonalization
      5.2.2  QR Decomposition by Householder Reflections

    5.3  Linear Equations with Tridiagonal Matrix
    5.4  Cyclic Tridiagonal Systems
    5.5  Iterative Solution of Inhomogeneous Linear Equations
      5.5.1  General Relaxation Method
      5.5.2  Jacobi Method
      5.5.3  Gauss-Seidel Method
      5.5.4  Damping and Successive Over-Relaxation
    5.6  Conjugate Gradients
    5.7  Matrix Inversion
    5.8  Problems
  6  Roots and Extremai Points
    6.1  Root Finding
      6.1.1  Bisection
      6.1.2  Regula Falsi (False Position) Method
      6.1.3  Newton-Raphson Method
      6.1.4  Secant Method
      6.1.5  Interpolation
      6.1.6  Inverse Interpolation
      6.1.7  Combined Methods
      6.1.8  Multidimensional Root Finding
      6.1.9  Quasi-Newton Methods
    6.2  Function Minimization
      6.2.1  The Ternary Search MetlTod
      6.2.2  The Golden Section Search Method (Brent's Method)
      6.2.3  Minimization in Multidimensions
      6.2.4  Steepest Descent Method
      6.2.5  Conjugate Gradient Method
      6.2.6  Newton-R~phson Method
      6.2.7  Quasi-Newton Methods
    6.3  Problems
  7  Fourier Transformation
  8  Random Numbers and Monte Carlo Methods
  9  Eigenvalue Problems
  10  Data Fitting
  11  Discretization of Differential Equations
  12  Equations of Motion
Part II  Simulation of Classical and Quantum Systems
  13  Rotational Motion
  14  Molecular Mechanics
  15  Thermodynamic Systems
  16  Random Walk and Brownian Motion
  17  Electrostatics
  18  Waves
  19  Diffusion
  20  Nonlinear Systems
  21  Simple Quantum Systems
Appendix I  Performing the Computer Experiments
Appendix II  Methods and Algorithms

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