幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:張梅//吳倩
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308172240
  • 出版日期:2017/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:137
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



Volume One  Daily Communication
Unit One  Greetings and Introductions
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Unit Two  Shopping and Entertainment
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Unit Three  Campus Life
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Unit Four  Job Hunting
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Volume Two  Business Communication
Unit One  Etiquette of Dining
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Unit Two  Social Relations
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself

Unit Three  Tourism
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Unit Four  Hotel Reservation
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Volume Three  Cross-cultural Communication
Unit One  Literature and Films
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Unit Two  Food Culture
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Unit Three  Wedding Culture
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself
Unit Four  Festivals and Celebration
  Part One  Warming-up Activities
  Part Two  Key Words and Expressions
  Part Three  Typical Sentences
  Part Four  Situational Dialogues
  Part Five  Interactive Activities
  Part Six  Strengthening Reading
  Part Seven  Test Yourself

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