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  • 作者:編者:楊惠中//王躍武//高霞//張紅霞//(美)Susan Stemleski等|總主編:秦秀白
  • 出版社:上海外教
  • ISBN:9787544647618
  • 出版日期:2017/04/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:182
人民幣:RMB 45 元      售價:


編者:楊惠中//王躍武//高霞//張紅霞//(美)Susan Stemleski等|總主編:秦秀白

1  Our Earth
  Topic  The natural and man-made world
  Vocabulary  Natural wonders; engineering feats
  Functions  Offering another opinion
  Lesson A  Listening & Speaking The world
  Vocabulary Link: Natural wonders
  Listening: Activities 1-5
  Pronunciation: Similar stress patterns
  Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
  Lesson B
  Global Viewpoints: Natural wonders
  Man-made structures
  City Living: I love skyscrapers!
2  Technology Today
  Topic  Modern technology
  Vocabulary  Computer words; describing products
  Functions  Showing interest
  Lesson A  Listening and Speaking Computers are everywhere.
  Vocabulary Link: Computer words
  Listening: Activities 1-5
  Pronunciation: Pronunciation of s in used to and use/used
  Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
  LessonB  Video Course Modern technology
  Global Viewpoints: Technology today
  City Living: The first word processor
3  Newspapers and the News
  Topic  News, newspapers, and journalism
  Vocabulary  People who bring us news; newspapers
  Functions  Asking about identity
  Lesson A  Listening& Speaking The people behind the news
  Vocabulary Link: Newsmakers
  Listening: Activities 1-5
  Pronunciation: Identifying unclear vowels
  Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
  Lesson B  Video Course In the news
  Global Viewpoints: Jobs in the news
  News sources
  City Living: What are you waiting for?
4  The World of Work
  Topic  Jobs and occupations
  Vocabulary  Job qualities; two-word jobs
  Functions  Asking about ability
  Lesson A  Listening and Speaking Work history
  Vocabulary Link: Job q ual ities
  Listening: Activities 1-5
  Pronunciation: Reduced for in time expressions
  Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
  Lesson B  Video Course Dream jobs
  Global Viewpoints: What do you do?
  Dream jobs

  City Living: The big job interview
5  Big Business
  Topic  International businesses; advertising
  Vocabulary  Describing companies; ways of advertising
  Functions  Talking about approximate amounts
  Lesson A  Listening and Speaking Success stories
  Vocabulary Link: International companies
  Listening: Activities 1-5
  Pronunciation: Stress on nouns and verbs with the same spelling
  Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
  Lesson B  Video Course Big business
  Global Viewpoints: Companies and advertising
  City Living: "Furniture Showroom" -- Take one
6  Wealth
  Topic  Wealthy lifestyles and striking it rich
  Vocabulary  The life of luxury
  Functions  Expressing sympathy; expressing wishes
  Lesson A  Listening and Speaking Having it all
  Vocabulary Link: The life of luxury
  Listening: Activities 1-5
  Pronunciation: Linking the same consonant sound
  Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
  Lesson B  Video Course Striking it rich
  Global Viewpoints: I wish
  Striking it rich
  City Living: Mike's Uncle Max
7  Social Issues
  Topic  Local and global issues
  Vocabulary  Community issues; world pro'blems
  Functions  Making a complaint / asking for help; agreeing and disagreeing
  Lesson A  Listening and Speaking In my community
  Vocabulary Link: Community issues
  Listening: Activities 1-5
  Pronunciation: Emphatic stress
  Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
  Lesson B  Video Course Community issues
  Global Viewpoints: In my community
  Global issues
  City Living: What do you think of New York?
8  Honestly Speaking
  Topic  Lying, truth, and trust
  Vocabulary  Is lying ever OK?
  Functions  Giving direct advice; asking for opinion
  Lesson A  Listening and Speaking To tell the truth
  Vocabulary Link: Is lying ever OK?
  Listening: Activities 1-5
  Pronunciation: Rising intonation to show surprise
  Speaking & Communication: Activities 1-2
  Lesson B  Video Course Honesty isthe best policy.
  Global Viewpoints: Lies, lies, lies!

  City Living: Honesty is the best policy.
Review: Units 1-4  Testing Your Listening Comprehension
Review: Units 5-8  Testing Your Listening Comprehension

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