幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(德)瓦克泰
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519219222
  • 出版日期:2017/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:371
人民幣:RMB 75 元      售價:



List of Exercises
1.  Relativistic Description of Spin-O Particles
  1.1  Klein-Gordon Equation
    1.1.1  Canonical and Lorentz-covariant Formulations of the Klein-Gordon Equation
    1.1.2  Hamilton Formulation of the Klein-Gordon Equation
    1.1.3  Interpretation of Negative Solutions.Antiparticles
  1.2  Symmetry Transformations
    1.2.1  Active and Passive Transformations
    1.2.2  Lorentz Transformations
    1.2.3  Discr?te Transformations
  1.3  One-Particle Interpretation of the Klein-Gordon Theory
    1.3.1  Generalized Scalar Product
    1.3.2   One-particle Operators
    and Feshbach.Villars Representation
    1.3.3  Validity Range of the One-particle Concept
    1.3.4  Klein Paradox.
  1.4  Nonrelativistic Approximation of the Klein-Gordon Theory
    1.4.1   Nonrelativistic Limit
    1.4.2  Relativistic Corrections
  1.5  Simple One-Particle Systems
    1.5.1  Potential Well
    1.5.2  Radial Klein-Gordon Equation
    1.5.3  Free Particle and Spherically Symmetric Potential Well
    1.5.4  Coulomb Potential
    1.5.5   Oscillator-Coulomb Potential
2.  Relativistic Description of Spin-1/2 Particles
  2.1  Dirac Equation
    2.1.1  Canonical Formulation of the Dirac Equation
    2.1.2  Dirac Equation in Lorentz-Covariant Form
    2.1.3  Properties of γ-Matrices and Covariant Bilinear Forms
    2.1.4  Spin Operator
    2.1.5  Projection Operators
    2.1.6  Interpretation of Negative Solutions, Antiparticles and Hole Theory
  2.2  Symmetry Transformations
    2.2.1  Proper Lorentz Transformations
    2.2.2  Spin of Dirac Solutions
    2.2.3  Discrete Transformations
  2.3  One-Particle Interpretation of the Dirac Theory
    2.3.1   One-Particle Operators and Feshbach-Villars Representation
    2.3.2  Validity Range of the One-Particle Concept
    2.3.3  Klein Paradox
  2.4   Nonrelativistic Approximation of the Dirac Theory

    2.4.1  Nonrelativistic Limit
    2.4.2  Relativistic Corrections
  2.5  Simple One-Particle Systems
    2.5.1  Potential Well
    2.5.2  Radial Form of the Dirac Equation
    2.5.3  Free Particle and Centrally Symmetric Potential Well
    2.5.4  Coulomb Potential
3.  Relativistic Scattering Theory
  3.1   Review:Nonrelativistic Scattering Theory
    3.1.1   Solution of the General Schr?dinger Equation
    3.1.2  Propagator Decomposition by Schr?dinger Solutions
    3.1.3  Scattering Formalism
    3.1.4  Coulomb Scattering.
  3.2  Scattering of Spin-1/2 Particles
    3.2.1   Solution of the General Dirac Equation
    3.2.2  Fourier Decomposition of the Free Fermion Propagator
    3.2.3  Scattering Formalism
    3.2.4  Trace Evaluations with-γ-Matrices
  3.3  Spin-1/2 Scattering Processes
    3.3.1   Coulomb Scattering of Electrons
    3.3.2  Electron-Proton Scattering(Ⅰ)
    3.3.3  Electron-Proton Scattering(Ⅱ)
    3.3.4  Preliminary Feynman Rules in Momentum Space
    3.3.5   Electron-Electron Scattering
    3.3.6  Electron-Positron Scattering
    3.3.7  Compton Scattering against Electrons
    3.3.8   Electron-Positron Annihilation
    3.3.9  Conclusion:Feynman Diagrams in Momentum Space
  3.4  Higher Order Corrections
    3.4.1  Vacuum Polarization
    3.4.2  Self-Energy
    3.4.3  Vortex Correction
    3.4.4  Physical Consequences
  3.5  Scattering of Spin-O Particles.
    3.5.1  Solution of the General Klein-Gordon Equation
    3.5.2  Scattering Formalism
    3.5.3  Coulomb Scattering of Pions
    3.5.4  Pion-Pion Scattering
    3.5.5  Pion Production via Electrons
    3.5.6  Compton Scattering against Pions
    3.5.7  Conclusion:Enhanced Feynman Rules in Momentum Space
  A.1  Theory of Special Relativity

  A.2  Bessel Functions, Spherical Bessel Functions
  A.3  Legendre Functions,Legendre Polynomials, Spherical Harmonics.
  A.4  Dirac Matrices and Bispinors

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