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  • 作者:(美)邁耶斯//舒拉
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519213442
  • 出版日期:2016/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:856
人民幣:RMB 175 元      售價:



Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
A Note to the Reader
Chapter 1  Materials : Structure, Properties, and Performance
  1.1  Introduction
  1.2  Monolithic, Composite, and Hierarchical Materials
  1.3  Structure of Materials
    1.3.1  Crystal Structures
    1.3.2  Metals
    1.3.3  Ceramics
    1.3.4  Glasses
    1.3.5  Polymers
    1.3.6  Liquid Crystals
    1.3.7  Biological Materials and Biomaterials
    1.3.8  Porous and Cellular Materials
    1.3.9  Nano- and Microstructure of Biological Materials
    1.3.10  The Sponge Spicule: An Example of a Biological Material
    1.3.11  Active (or Smart) Materials
    1.3.12  Electronic Materials
    1.3.13  Nanotechnology
  1.4  Strength of Real Materials
  Suggested Reading
Chapter 2  Elasticity and Viscoelasticity
  2.1  Introduction
  2.2  Longitudinal Stress and Strain
  2.3  Strain Energy (or Deformation Energy) Density
  2.4  Shear Stress and Strain
  2.5  Poisson's Ratio
  2.6  More Complex States of Stress
  2.7  Graphical Solution of a Biaxial State of Stress: the Mohr Circle
  2.8  Pure Shear: Relationship between G and E
  2.9  Anisotropic Effects
  2.10  Elastic Properties of Polycrystals
  2.11  Elastic Properties of Materials
    2.11.1  Elastic Properties of Metals
    2.11.2  Elastic Properties of Ceramics
    2.11.3  Elastic Properties of Polymers
    2.11.4  Elastic Constants of Unidirectional Fiber Reinforced Composite
  2.12  Viscoelasticity
    2.12.1  Storage and Loss Moduli
  2.13  Rubber Elasticity
  2.14  Mooney-Rivlin Equation
  2.15  Elastic Properties of Biological Materials
    2.15.1  Blood Vessels
    2.15.2 Articular Cartilage
    2.15.3  Mechanical Properties at the Nanometer Level
  2.16  Elastic Properties of Electronic Materials
  2.17  Elastic Constants and Bonding
  Suggested Reading

Chapter 3  Plasticity
  3.1  Introduction
  3.2  Plastic Deformation in Tension
    3.2.1  Tensile Curve Parameters
    3.2.2  Necking
    3.2.3  Strain Rate Effects
  3.3  Plastic Deformation in Compression Testing
  3.4  The Bauschunger Effect
  3.5  Plastic Deformation of Polymers
    3.5.1  Stress-Strain Curves
    3.5.2  Glassy Polymers
    3.5.3  Semicrystalline Polymers
    3.5.4  Viscous Flow
    3.5.5  Adiabatic Heating
  3.6  Plastic Deformation of Glasses
    3.6.1  Microscopic Deformation Mechanism
    3.6.2  Temperature Dependence and Viscosity
  3.7  Flow, Yield, and Failure Criteria
    3.7.1  Maximum-Stress Criterion (Rankine)
    3.7.2  Maximum-Shear-Stress Criterion (Tresca)
    3.7.3  Maximum-Distortion-Energy Criterion (yon Mises)
    3.7.4  Graphical Representation and Experimental Verification of Rankine, Tresca, and yon Mises Criteria
    3.7.5  Failure Criteria for Brittle Materials
    3.7.6  Yield Criteria for Ductile Polymers
    3.7.7  Failure Criteria for Composite Materials
    3.7.8  Yield and Failure Criteria for Other Anisotropic Materials
  3.8  Hardness
    3.8.1  Macroindentation Tests
    3.8.2  Microindentation Tests
    3.8.3  Nanoindentation
  3.9  Formability: Important Parameters
    3.9.1  Plastic Anisotropy
Chapter 4  Imperfections: Point and Line Defects
Chapter 5  Imperfections: Interfacial and Volumetric Defects
Chapter 6  Geometry of Deformation and Work-Hardening
Chapter 7  Fracture: Macroscopic Aspects
Chapter 8  Fracture : Microscopic Aspects
Chapter 9  Fracture Testing
Chapter 10  Solid Solution, Precipitation, and Dispersion Strengthening
Chapter 11  Martensitic Transformation
Chapter 12  Special Materials : Intermetallics and Foams
Chapter 13  Creep and Superplasticity
Chapter 14  Fatigue
Chapter 15  Composite Materials
Chapter 16  Environmental Effects

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