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  • 作者:(瑞典)赫爾曼德爾
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519209285
  • 出版日期:2016/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:524
人民幣:RMB 79 元      售價:



Chapter XVII. Second Order Elliptic Operators
  17.1. Interior Regularity and Local Existence Theorems
  17.2. Unique Continuation Theorems
  17.3. The Dirichlet Problem
  17.4. The Hadamard Parametrix Construction
  17.5. Asymptotic Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
Chapter XVIII. Pseudo-Differential Operators
  18.1. The Basic Calculus
  18.2. Conormal Distributions
  18.3. Totally Characteristic Operators
  18.4. Gauss Transforms Revisited
  18.5. The Weyl Calculus
  18.6. Estimates of Pseudo-Differential Operators
Chapter XIX. Elliptic Operators on a Compact Manifold Without Boundary
  19.1. Abstract Fredholm Theory
  19.2. The Index of Elliptic Operators
  19.3. The Index Theorem in
  19.4. The Lefschetz Formula
  19.5. Miscellaneous Remarks on Ellipticity
Chapter XX. Boundary Problems for Elliptic Differential Operators  .
  20.1. Elliptic Boundary Problems
  20.2. Preliminaries on Ordinary Differential Operators
  20.3. The Index for Elliptic Boundary Problems
  20.4. Non-Elliptic Boundary Problems
Chapter XXI. Symplectic Geometry
  21.1. The Basic Structure
  21.2. Submanifolds of a Sympletic Manifold
  21.3. Normal Forms of Functions
  21.4. Folds and Glancing Hypersurfaces
  21.5. Symplectic Equivalence of Quadratic Forms
  21.6. The Lagrangian Grassmannian
Chapter XXII. Some Classes of (Micro-)hypoelliptic Operators
  22.1. Operators with Pseudo-Differential Parametrix
  22.2. Generalized Kolmogorov Equations
  22.3. Melin's Inequality
  22.4. Hypoellipticity with Loss of One Derivative
Chapter XXIII. The Strictly hyperbolic Cauchy Problem

  23.1. First Order Operators
  23.2. Operators of Higher Order
  23.3. Necessary Conditions for Correctness of the Cauchy Problem
  23.4. Hyperbolic Operators of Principal Type
Chapter XXIV. The Mixed Dirichlet-Cauchy Problem for Second Order Operators
  24.1. Energy Estimates and Existence Theorems in the Hyperbolic Case
  24.2. Singularities in the Elliptic and Hyperbolic Regions
  24.3. The Generalized Bicharacteristic Flow
  24.4. The Diffractive Case
  24.5. The General Propagation of Singularities
  24.6. Operators Microlocally of Tricomi's Type
  24.7. Operators Depending on Parameters
Appendix B. Some Spaces of Distributions
  B.1  Distributions in 1Rn and in an Open Manifold
  B.2. Distributions in a Half Space and in a Manifold with Boundary
Appendix C. Some Tools from Differential Geometry
  C.1. The Frobenius Theorem and Foliations
  C.2. A Singular Differential Equation
  C.3. Clean Intersections and Maps of Constant Rank
  C.4. Folds and Involutions
  C.5. Geodesic Normal Coordinates
  C.6. The Morse Lemma with Parameters
Index of Notation

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