幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(德)舍克
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519212728
  • 出版日期:2016/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:421
人民幣:RMB 68 元      售價:



1 Fermion Fields and Their Properties
  1.1  Lorentz Group and SL(2, C)
    1.1.1  Lorentz Transformations
    1.1.2  The Relation Between Lt and the Special Linear Group in Two Complex Dimensions
  1.2  Spinor Representations and Spinor Fields, "Dotted" and "Undotted" Spinors
  1.3  Dirac Equation for Free Particles
  1.4  Plane Wave Solutions of the Dirac Equation
  1.5  A Few More Properties of Dirac Spinors
  1.6  Quantization of Majorana Fields
  1.7  Quantization of Dirac Field
  1.8  Lagrange Density of Dirac Field, Charge, Energy, Momentum and Spin of Dirac Particles
    1.8.1  Charge of Particles and Antiparticles
    1.8.2  Energy and Momentum
    1.8.3  Spin Properties of Dirac Particles
    1.8.4  Dirac and Majorana Mass Terms
    1.8.5  Neutrino Masses: The Seesaw Mechanism
  1.9  Charged Fermion Fields in Interaction with Electromagnetic Fields
    1.9.1  External Field Case
    1.9.2  Interaction with the Quantized Maxwell Field
    1.9.3  Some Remarks on These Results
  1.10 Global Symmetries and Fermion Fields
    1.10.1  Fermions in Representations of Non-Abelian Groups.
    1.10.2  *Charge Conjugation for Fermionic Multiplets
2 Electromagnetic Processes and Interactions
  2.1  Electron Scattering from a Composite Target: Qualitative Considerations
  2.2  Elastic Scattering from a Spin Zero Target, Born Approximation
  2.3  A Few Properties of Form Factor and Cross Section
  2.4  Elastic Scattering from Nucleons
    2.4.1  Current Matrix Elements and Form Factors
    2.4.2  Derivation of Cross Section
    2.4.3  Properties of Form Factors
    2.4.4  Isospin Analysis of Nucleon Form Factors
  2.5  *Elastic and Inelastic Electron Scattering from Nuclei
    2.5.1  Multipole Fields
    2.5.2  Theory of Electron Scattering
    2.5.3  Born Approximation
    2.5.4  The Problem of Coulomb Distortion
    2.5.5  Partial Wave Analysis for Elastic Scattering
    2.5.6  Practical Analysis of Scattering Data and Information Content of Partial Waves
    2.5.7  Miscellaneous Comments
  2.6  Muonic Atoms - Introduction
    2.6.1  Properties of Free Muons
    2.6.2  Muonic Atoms, Qualitative Discussion
    2.6.3  Dirac Bound States in a Central Field
  2.7  Muonic Atoms and Quantum Electrodynamics
    2.7.1  Observable Part of Vacuum Polarization to Order O(α)
    2.7.2  Illustration and Interpretation of Vacuum Polarization of Order αZα
    2.7.3  Radiative Corrections in Muonic Atoms

  2.8  Deep Inelastic Scattering
    2.8.1  Inclusive Electron Scattering
    2.8.2  Covariant Decomposition of Wμυ and Cross Section
    2.8.3  An Example: Elastic Scattering from the Proton
    2.8.4  Counting Quark Generations
    2.8.5  Deep Inelastic Scattering and Patton Structure of Nucleons
3 Weak Interactions and the Standard Model of Strong and Eleetroweak Interactions
  3.1  Phenomenological Aspects of Weak Interactions
    3.1.1  Basic Properties of Leptons and Quarks
    3.1.2  Empirical Information on Weak Interactions
    3.2  *Vector and Axial-Vector Covariants: Effective Lagrangians with V and A Couplings
    3.2.1  Vectors and Axial Vectors
    3.2.2  Effective Vector (V) and Axial-Vector (A) Interactions
    3.2.3  Charged Current and Neutral Current V and A Interactions Due to Exchange of Heavy Vector Bosons
    3.2.4  Difficulties of the Effective Current-Current Theory
  3.3  Elements of Local Gauge Theories Based on Non-Abelian Groups
    3.3.1  Groups of Local Gauge Transformations
    3.3.2  Vector Potentials and Their Transformation Properties
    3.3.3  Covariant Derivatives
    3.3.4  Field Tensor for Vector Potentials
    3.3.5  How to Construct Locally Gauge Invariant Theories
  3.4  Glashow-Salam-Weinberg Model for Leptons and Quarks
    3.4.1  GSW Lagrangian for One Lepton Family
    3.4.2  GSW Lagrangian for the Quark Families
    3.4.3  Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
    3.4.4  Summary of CC and NC Interactions in the GSW Theory
    3.4.5  The Higgs Sector of the GSW Model
    3.4.6  Note on Quark Masses and CKM Mixing
    3.4.7  A Comment About Fermion Multiplets in a Unified Gauge Theory of Electroweak Interactions
  3.5  Quantum Chromodynamics
    3.5.1  Construction of the Lagrangian
    3.5.2  Discussion of QCD Lagrangian
  3.6  Simple Applications of the GSW Model at Energies Below the Vector Boson Masses
    3.6.1  Scattering of Longitudinally Polarized Electrons from a Nucleus with Spin Zero
    3.6.2  Neutrino and Antineutrino Scattering on Electrons
    3.6.3  Angular Asymmetry in e+e-→μ+μ- and e+e- →τ+τ-
  3.7  Electroweak Physics at the Z Pole
    3.7.1  Cross Sections Near the Z0 Resonance
    3.7.2  Forward-Backward Asymmetries and Polarizations
    3.7.3  Precision Tests of Electroweak Interactions
4 Beyond the Minimal Standard Model
  4.1  Leptonic Charged and Neutral Current Interactions
    4.1.1  Effective SPVAT Interactions
    4.1.2  Precision Tests in Muon Decay
    4.1.3  Neutral Currents in Muonic Atoms
    4.2.1  Semileptonic Interactions, Structure of Hadronic Charged Current
    4.2.2  Pion Beta Decay and Conserved Vector Current (CVC)
    4.2.3  The Strangeness-Conserving Axial Current
    4.2.4  CVC and PCAC as Applied to Nucleonic Currents
    4.2.5  Another Example: Pion Radiative Decay
  4.3  New Perspectives and Open Problems
    4.3.1  "Heavy" Neutrinos
    4.3.2  Neutrino Oscillations
    4.3.3  Processes Which Change Lepton Family Numbers
A Lorentz Invariant Distributions
B S-Matrix, Cross Sections, Decay Probabilities
C1 Some Feynman Rules for Quantum Eiectrodynamics of Spin-l/2 Particles f±
C2 Traces
D The Group SU(3)
E Dirac Equation with Central Fields
Books, Monographs and General Reviews of Data
Exercises: Further Hints and Selected Solutions
About the Author

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