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  • 作者:(美)霍爾
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519203238
  • 出版日期:2016/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:554
人民幣:RMB 95 元      售價:

    儘管量子物理思想在現代數學的許多領域發揮著重要的作用,但是針對數學家的量子力學書卻幾乎沒有。霍爾著的這本《數學家用的量子理論(英文版)》用數學家熟悉的語言介紹了量子力學的主要思想。接觸物理少的讀者在會比較喜歡該書用會話的語調來講述諸如用Hibert空間法研究量子理論、一維空間的薛定諤方程、有界無界自伴運算元的譜定理、Ston-von Neumann定理、Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin逼近、李群和李代數量子力學中的作用等。


1 The Experimental Origins of Quantum Mechanics
  1.1  Is Light a Wave or a Particle?
  1.2  Is an Electron a Wave or a Particle?
  1.3  SchrSdinger and Heisenberg
  1.4  A Matter of Interpretation
  1.5  Exercises
2 A First Approach to Classical Mechanics
  2.1  Motion in R1
  2.2  Motion in Rn
  2.3  Systems of Particles
  2.4  Angular Momentum
  2.5  Poisson Brackets and Hamiltonian Mechanics
  2.6  The Kepler Problem and the Runge-Lenz Vector
  2.7  Exercises
3 A First Approach to Quantum Mechanics
  3.1  Waves, Particles, and Probabilities
  3.2  A Few Words About Operators and Their Adjoints
  3.3  Position and the Position Operator
  3.4  Momentum and the Momentum Operator
  3.5  The Position and Momentum Operators
  3.6  Axioms of Quantum Mechanics: Operators and Measurements
  3.7  Time-Evolution in Quantum Theory
  3.8  The Heisenberg Picture
  3.9  Example: A Particle in a Box
  3.10  Quantum Mechanics for a Particle in Rn
  3.11  Systems of Multiple Particles
  3.12  Physics Notation
  3.13  Exercises
4 The Free Schrodinger Equation
  4.1  Solution by Means of the Fourier Transform
  4.2  Solution as a Convolution
  4.3  Propagation of the Wave Packet: First Approach
  4.4  Propagation of the Wave Packet: Second Approach
  4.5  Spread of the Wave Packet
  4.6  Exercises
5 A Particle in a Square Well
  5.1  The Time-Independent SchrSdinger Equation
  5.2  Domain Questions and the Matching Conditions
  5.3  Finding Square-Integrable Solutions
  5.4  Tunneling and the Classically Forbidden Region
  5.5  Discrete and Continuous Spectrum
  5.6  Exercises
6 Perspectives on the Spectral Theorem
  6.1  The Difficulties with the Infinite-Dimensional Case
  6.2  The Goals of Spectral Theory
  6.3  A Guide to Reading
  6.4  The Position Operator
  6.5  Multiplication Operators
  6.6  The Momentum Operator
7 The Spectral Theorem for Bounded Self-Adjoint Operators: Statements

  7.1  Elementary Properties of Bounded Operators
  7.2  Spectral Theorem for Bounded Self-Adjoint Operators, I
  7.3  Spectral Theorem for Bounded Self-Adjoint Operators, II
  7.4  Exercises
8 The Spectral Theorem for Bounded Self-Adjoint Operators: Proofs
  8.1  Proof of the Spectral Theorem, First Version
  8.2  Proof of the Spectral Theorem, Second Version
  8.3  Exercises
9 Unbounded Self-Adjoint Operators
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2.  Adjoint and Closure of an Unbounded Operator
  9.3  Elementary Properties of Adjoints and Closed Operators
  9.4  The Spectrum of an Unbounded Operator
  9.5  Conditions for Self-Adjointness and Essential Self-Adjointness
  9.6  A Counterexample
  9.7  An Example
  9.8  The Basic Operators of Quantum Mechanics
  9.9  Sums of Self-Adjoint Operators
  9.10  Another Counterexample
  9.11  Exercises
10 The Spectral Theorem for Unbounded Self-Adjoint Operators
  10.1  Statements of the Spectral Theorem
  10.2  Stone's Theorem and One-Parameter Unitary Groups
  10.3  The Spectral Theorem for Bounded Normal Operators
  10.4  Proof of the Spectral Theorem for Unbounded Self-Adjoint Operators
  10.5  Exercises
11 The Harmonic Oscillator
  11.1  The Role of the Harmonic Oscillator
  11.2  The Algebraic Approach
  11.3  The Analytic Approach
  11.4  Domain Conditions and Completeness
  11.5  Exercises
12 The Uncertainty Principle
  12.1  Uncertainty Principle, First Version
  12.2  A Counterexample
  12.3  Uncertainty Principle, Second Version
  12.4  Minimum Uncertainty States
  12.5  Exercises
13 Quantization Schemes for Euclidean Space
  13.1  Ordering Ambiguities
  13.2  Some Common Quantization Schemes
  13.3  The Weyl Quantization for R2n
  13.4  The "No Go" Theorem of Groenewold
  13.5  Exercises
14 The Stone-yon Neumann Theorem
  14.1  A Heuristic Argument
  14.2  The Exponentiated Commutation Relations
  14.3  The Theorem
  14.4  The Segal-Bargmann Space
  14.5  Exercises

15 The WKB Approximation
  15.1  Introduction
  15.2  The Old Quantum Theory and the Bohr-Sommerfeld Condition
  15.3  Classical and Semiclassical Approximations
  15.4  The WKB Approximation Away from the Turning Points
  15.5  The Airy Function and the Connection Formulas
  15.6  A Rigorous Error Estimate
  15.7  Other Approaches
  15.8  Exercises
16 Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations
  16.1  Summary
  16.2  Matrix Lie Groups
  16.3  Lie Algebras
  16.4  The Matrix Exponential
  16.5  The Lie Algebra of a Matrix Lie Group
  16.6  Relationships Between Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
  16.7  Finite-Dimensional Representations of Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
  16.8  New Representations from Old
  16.9  Infinite-Dimensional Unitary Representations
  16.10 Exercises
17 Angular Momentum and Spin
  17.1  The Role of Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics
  17.2  TheAngular Momentum Operators in R3
  17.3  Angular Momentum from the Lie Algebra Point of View
  17.4  The Irreducible Representations of so(3)
  17.5  The Irreducible Representations of S0(3)
  17.6  Realizing the Representations Inside L2(S2)
  17.7  Realizing the Representations Inside L2(~3)
  17.8  Spin
  17.9  Tensor Products of Representations: "Addition of Angular Momentum"
  17.10 Vectors and Vector Operators
  17.11 Exercises
18 Radial Potentials and the Hydrogen Atom
  18.1  Radial Potentials
  18.2  The Hydrogen Atom: Preliminaries
  18.3  The Bound States of the Hydrogen Atom
  18.4  The Runge-Lenz Vector in the Quantum Kepler Problem
  18.5  The Role of Spin
  18.6  Runge-Lenz Calculations
  18.7  Exercises
19 Systems and Subsystems, Multiple Particles
  19.1  Introduction
  19.2  Trace-Class and Hilbert Schmidt Operators
  19.3  Density Matrices: The General Notion of the State of a Quantum System
  19.4  Modified Axioms for Quantum Mechanics
  19.5  Composite Systems and the Tensor Product
  19.6  Multiple Particles: Bosons and Fermions
  19.7  "Statistics" and the Pauli Exclusion Principle
  19.8  Exercises
20 The Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics

  20.1  Trotter Product Formula
  20.2  Formal Derivation of the Feynman Path Integral
  20.3  The Imaginary-Time Calculation
  20.4  The Wiener Measure
  20.5  The Feynman-Kac Formula
  20.6  Path Integrals in Quantum Field Theory
  20.7  Exercises
21 Hamiltonian Mechanics on Manifolds
  21.1  Calculus on Manifolds
  21.2  Mechanics on Symplectic Manifolds
  21.3  Exercises
22 Geometric Quantization on Euclidean Space
  22.1  Introduction
  22.2  Prequantization
  22.3  Problems with Prequantization
  22.4  Quantization
  22.5  Quantization of Observables
  22.6  Exercises
23 Geometric Quantization on Manifolds
  23.1  Introduction
  23.2  Line Bundles and Connections
  23.3  Prequantization
  23.4  Polarizations
  23.5  Quantization Without Half-Forms
  23.6  Quantization with Half-Forms: The Real Case
  23.7  Quantization with Half-Forms: The Complex Case
  23.8  Pairing Maps
  23.9  Exercises
A Review of Basic Material
  A.1  Tensor Products of Vector Spaces
  A.2  Measure Theory
  A.3  Elementary Fumctional Analysis
  A.4  Hilbert Spaces and Operators on Them

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