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  • 作者:(美)卡尼亞達克斯
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519203191
  • 出版日期:2016/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:817
人民幣:RMB 125 元      售價:



Foreword by Chih-Ming Ho
1  Basic Concepts and Technologies
  1.1  New Flow Regimes in Microsystems
  1.2  The Continuum Hypothesis
    1.2.1  Molecular Magnitudes
    1.2.2  Mixed Flow Regimes
    1.2.3  Experimental Evidence
  1.3  The Pioneers
  1.4  Modeling of Microflows
  1.5  Modeling of Nanoflows
  1.6  Numerical Simulation at All Scales
  1.7  Full-System Simulation of Microsystems
    1.7.1  Reduced-Order Modeling
    1.7.2  Coupled Circuit/Device Modeling
2  Governing Equations and Slip Models
  2.1  The Basic Equations of Fluid Dynamics
    2.1.1  Incompressible Flow
    2.1.2  Reduced Models
  2.2  Compressible Flow
    2.2.1  First-Order Models
    2.2.2  The Role of the Accommodation Coefficients
  2.3  High-Order Models
    2.3.1  Derivation of High-Order Slip Models
    2.3.2  General Slip Condition
    2.3.3  Comparison of Slip Models
3  Shear-Driven Flows
  3.1  Couette Flow: Slip Flow Regime
  3.2  Couette Flow: Transition and Free-Molecular Flow Regimes
    3.2.1  Velocity Model
    3.2.2  Shear Stress Model
  3.3  Oscillatory Couette Flow
    3.3.1  Quasi-Steady Flows
    3.3.2  Unsteady Flows
    3.3.3  Summary
  3.4  Cavity Flow
  3.5  Grooved Channel Flow
4  Pressure-Driven Flows
  4.1  Slip Flow Regime
    4.1.1  Isothermal Compressible Flows
    4.1.2  Adiabatic Compressible Flows - Fanno Theory
    4.1.3  Validation of Slip Models with DSMC
    4.1.4  Effects of Roughness
    4.1.5  Inlet Flows
  4.2  Transition and Free-Molecular Regimes
    4.2.1  Burnett Equations
    4.2.2  A Unified Flow Model
    4.2.3  Summary
5  Thermal Effects in Microscales
  5.1  Thermal Creep (Transpiration)

    5.1.1  Simulation Results
    5.1.2  A Thermal Creep Experiment
    5.1.3  Knudsen Compressors
  5.2  Other Temperature-Induced Flows
  5.3  Heat Conduction and the Ghost Effect
  5.4  Heat Transfer in Poiseuille Microflows
    5.4.1  Pressure-Driven Flows
    5.4.2  Force-Driven Flows
  5.5  Heat Transfer in Couette Microflows
6  Prototype Applications of Gas Flows
  6.1  Gas Damping and Dynamic Response of Microsystems
7  Electrokinetic flows
8  Surface tension-Driven flows
9  Mixers and Chaotic Advection
10  Simple Flrids in Nanochannels
11  Water in Nanochannels
12  Electroosmotic Flow in Nanochannels
13  Functional Fluids and Functionalized Nanotubes
14  Numerical Methods for Continuum Simulation
15  Multiscale Modeling of Gas Flows
16  Multiscale Modeling of Liquid Flows
17  Reduced-Order Modeling
18  Reduced-Order Simulation

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