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  • 作者:(美)阿德姆
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787519202569
  • 出版日期:2016/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:324
人民幣:RMB 55 元      售價:



Ⅰ.Group Extensions, Simple Algebras and Cohomology
  Ⅰ.0 Introduction
  Ⅰ.1 Group Extensions
  Ⅰ.2 Extensions Associated to the Quaternions
       The Group of Unit Quaternions and SO(3)
       The Generalized Quaternion Groups and Binary Tetrahedral Group
  Ⅰ.3 Central Extensions and S1 Bundles on the Torus T2
  Ⅰ.4 The Pull—back Construction and Extensions
  Ⅰ.5 The Obstruction to Extension when the Center is Non—Trivial The Dependence of/z(gl, g2, g3) on f' and the Lifting L
  Ⅰ.6 Counting the Number of Extensions
  Ⅰ.7 The Relation Satisfied by/z(gl, g2, g3)
       A Certain Universal Extension
       Each Element in H3φ(G; C) Represents an Obstruction
  Ⅰ.8 Associative Algebras and H2φ(G; C)
       Basic Structure Theorems for Central Simple F—Algebras
       Tensor Products of Central Simple F—Algebras
       The Cohomological Interpretation of Central Simple Division Algebras
       Comparing Different Maximal Subfields, the Brauer Group
Ⅱ.Classifying Spaces and Group Cohomology
  Ⅱ.0 Introduction
  Ⅱ.1 Preliminaries on Classifying Spaces
  Ⅱ.2 Eilenberg—MacLane Spaces and the Steenrod Algebra at(p)
       Axioms for the Steenrod Algebra A(2)
       Axioms for the Steenrod Algebra A(p)
       The Cohomology of Eilenberg—MacLane Spaces
       The Hopf Algebra Structure on ,A(p)
  Ⅱ.3 Group Cohomology
  Ⅱ.4 Cup Products
  Ⅱ.5 Restriction and Transfer
       Transfer and Restriction for Abelian Groups
       An Alternate Construction of the Transfer
  Ⅱ.6 The Cartan—Eilenberg Double Coset Formula
  Ⅱ.7 Tate Cohomology and Applications
  Ⅱ.8 The First Cohomology Group and Out(G)
Ⅲ.Invariants and Cohomology of Groups
  Ⅲ.0 Introduction
  Ⅲ.I General Invariants
  Ⅲ.2 The Dickson Algebra
  Ⅲ.3 A Theorem of Serre
  Ⅲ.4 Symmetric Invariants
  Ⅲ.5 The Cardenas—Kuhn Theorem
  Ⅲ.6 Discussion of Related Topics and Further Results
       The Dickson Algebras and Topology
       The Ring of Invariants for Sp2n(F2)
       The Invariants for Subgroups of GL4(F2)
Ⅳ.Spectral Sequences and Detection Theorems
  Ⅳ.0 Introduction
  Ⅳ.1 The Lyndon—Hochschild—Serre Spectral Sequence: Geometric Approach
       Wreath Products

       Central Extensions
       A Lemma of Quillen—Venkov
  Ⅳ.2 Change of Rings and the Lyndon—Hochschild—Serre Spectral Sequence
       The Dihedral Group D2n
       The Quaternion Group Q8
  Ⅳ.3 Chain Approximations in Acyclic Complexes
  Ⅳ.4 Groups with Cohomology Detected by Abelian Subgroups
  Ⅳ.5 Structure Theorems for the Ring H*(G; Fp)
       Evens—Venkov Finite Generation Theorem
       The Quillen—Venkov Theorem
       The Krull Dimension of H*(G; Fp)
  Ⅳ.6 The Classification and Cohomology Rings of Periodic Groups
       The Classification of Periodic Groups
       The mod(2) Cohomology of the Periodic Groups
  Ⅳ.7 The Definition and Properties of Steenrod Squares
       The Squaring Operations
       The P—Power Operations for p Odd
Ⅴ.G.Complexes and Equivariant Cohomology
  Ⅴ.0 Introduction to Cohomological Methods
  Ⅴ.1 Restriction on Group Actions
  Ⅴ.2 General Properties of Posets Associated to Finite Groups
  Ⅴ.3 Applications to Cohomoiogy
       The Sporadic Group M11
       The Sporadic Group J1
Ⅵ.The Cohomology of the Symmetric Groups
  Ⅵ.0 Introduction
  Ⅵ.I Detection Theorems for H*(Sn; Fp) and Construction of Generators
       The Sylow p—Subgroups of Sn
       The Conjugacy Classes of Elementary p—Subgroups in Sn
       Weak Closure Properties for Vn(p)□ Sylp,(Spn) and (Vn—i(p))pi □ Spn—1□Z/p
       The Image of res *: H*(Spn;IFp)→H*(Vn(p);Fp)
  Ⅵ.2 Hopf Algebras
       The Theorems of Borel and Hopf
  Ⅵ.3 The Structure of H*(Sn;Fp)
  Ⅵ.4 More Invariant Theory
  Ⅵ.5 H*(Sn), n = 6, 8, 10, 12
  Ⅵ.6 The Cohomology of the Alternating Groups
Ⅶ.Finite Groups of Lie Type
  Ⅶ.1 Preliminary Remarks
  Ⅶ.2 The Classical Groups of Lie Type
  Ⅶ.3 The Orders of the Finite Orthogonal and Symplectic Groups.
  Ⅶ.4 The Cohomology of the Groups GLn(q)
  Ⅶ.5 The Cohomology of the Finite Orthogonal Groups
  Ⅶ.6 The Groups H*(Sp2n(q); F2)
  Ⅶ.7 The Exceptional Chevalley Groups
Ⅷ.Cohomology of Sporadic Simple Groups
  Ⅷ.0 Introduction
  Ⅷ.1 The Cohomology of M11
  Ⅷ.2 The Cohomology of J1
  Ⅷ.3 The Cohomology of M12

       The Structure of the Mathieu Group M12
  Ⅷ.4 Discussion of H*(M12; F2)
  Ⅷ.5 The Cohomology of Other Sporadic Simple Groups
       The O'Nan Group O'N
       The Rank Four Sporadic Groups
       The Lattice of Subgroups of 2 □ 2 □ 2
       The Cohomology Structure of 22+4
       Detection and the Cohomology of J2, J3
       The Cohomology of the Groups M22, M23, SU4(3), McL, and Ly
       Remark on the Cohomology of M23
Ⅸ.The Plus Construction and Applications
  Ⅸ.0 Preliminaries
  Ⅸ.1 Definitions
  Ⅸ.2 Classification and Construction of Acyclic Maps
  Ⅸ.3 Examples and Applications
       The Infinite Symmetric Group
       The General Linear Group over a Finite Field
       The Binary Icosahedral Group
       The Mathieu Group M12
       The Group J1
       The Mathieu Group M23
  Ⅸ.4 The Kan—Thurston Theorem
Ⅹ.The Schur Subgroup of the Brauer Group
  Ⅹ.0 Introduction
  Ⅹ.1 The Brauer Groups of Complete Local Fields
       Valuations and Completions
       The Brauer Groups of Complete Fields with Finite Valuations
  Ⅹ.2 The Brauer Group and the Schur Subgroup for Finite Extensions of Q
       The Brauer Group of a Finite Extension of Q
       The Schur Subgroup of the Brauer Group
       The Group Q/Z and its Aut Group
  Ⅹ.3 The Explicit Generators of the Schur Subgroup
       Cyclotomic Algebras and the Brauer—Witt Theorem
       The Galois Group of the Maximal Cyclotomic Extension of F
       The Cohomological Reformulation of the Schur Subgroup
  Ⅹ.4 The Groups H*cont(GF; Q/Z) and H*cont(Gv; Q/Z)
       The Cohomology Groups H*cont(GF; Q/Z)
       The Local Cohomology with Q/Z Coefficients
       The Explicit Form of the Evaluation Maps at the Finite Valuations
  Ⅹ.5 The Explicit Structure of the Schur Subgroup, S(F)
       The Map H*cont(Gv;Q/Z)→H2coont(Gv;Qp,cycl)
       The Invariants at the Infinite Real Primes
       The Remaining Local Maps

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