01.偏偏喜歡你 Just Love You 02.我是真的愛你 I Truly Love You 03.你是我最深愛的人 You Are My Best Love 04.天上飄著雨 Outside It Is Raining Slightly 05.想起 Remember 06.把悲傷留給自己 Let Me Take The Pain 07.心如刀割 Feeling As If A Knife Were Piercing The Heart 08.分手在那個秋天 Separating In That Autumn 09.不裝飾你的夢 Don't Decorate Your Dreams 10.擦肩而過 Brush Past Each Other In Street 11.會呼吸的痛 The Pain That Can Breath 12.我會好好過 Movin' On 13.好人好夢 Good Person's Pleasant Dream