幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:王玫//李皛鷗|責編:夏丹
  • 出版社:世圖出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510086441
  • 出版日期:2014/11/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:292
人民幣:RMB 26 元      售價:



第一章  概述
  第一節  考綱解讀
  第二節  歷年真題盤點
  第三節  寫作對策
  第四節  注意事項
第二章  四級寫作真題與預測
  第一節  道德倫理類範文
    範文一  Wealth and Happiness (財富與幸福)
    範文二  Silence Is Gold (沉默是金)
    範文三  The Importance of Confidence (信心的重要性)
    範文四  Credit Is Important (信用很重要)
    範文五  Doing Good Deeds (樂於助人)
    範文六  Keep Optimistic in the Face of Disaster (面對災難保持樂觀心態)
    範文七  Ideals (理想)
    範文八  The Sense of Social Responsibility (社會責任感)
    範文九  Should We Help Others in Need? (我們應該幫助需要幫助的人嗎?)
    範文十  How to Enhance the Sense of Happiness (如何提升幸福感)
    範文十一  The Importance of the Combining Theory with Practice (理論聯繫實際的重要性)
    範文十二  Telling Lies (說謊)
    範文十三  Filial Gratitude (孝敬)
    範文十四  Adversity (逆境)
    範文十五  Academic Plagiarism Is Harmful (學術抄襲之害)
    範文十六  Competition (競爭)
    範文十七  How to Be Yourself (如何做自己)
    範文十八  Adversity Is Not Necessarily a Bad Thing (逆境不一定是壞事)
    範文十九  The Importance of Inheriting the Traditional Virtues (繼承傳統美德的重要性)
    範文二十  It Pays to Be Honest (誠實利人利己)
    範文二十一  The Importance of Reliability (誠信的重要性)
  第二節  文化教育類範文
    範文一  Organization Saves Time and Energy (安排節省時間和精力)
    範文二  The Experience of Overcoming Difficulties in Learning English(克服英語學習中的困難的經歷)
    範文三  Broaden Our Knowledge (拓展我們的知識)
    範文四  Read Books (讀書)
    範文五  Practice Makes Perfect (熟能生巧)
    範文六  Which Is More Important, Diploma or Competence? (學歷和能力哪個更重要?)
    範文七  Reading Interests of College Students (大學生的閱讀喜好)
    範文八  Private Tutoring (家教)
    範文九  Online Education (在線教育)
    範文十  The Losing of Traditional Culture (傳統文化的消失)
    範文十一  The Purpose of Learning English (學習英語的目的)
    範文十二  Is It Necessary to Attend Training Classes? (參加培訓班有必要嗎?)
    範文十三  Is It Necessary to Go to College? (大學學習是否有必要?)

    範文十四  How to Study Efficiently (怎樣高效學習)
    範文十五  My Views on Examination (我對考試的看法)
    範文十六  Studying Abroad (出國留學)
    範文十七  Quality Education (素質教育)
    範文十八  Children's Education (子女教育)
    範文十九  Campus Lectures (大學講座)
    範文二十  The Purpose of Frustration Education (挫折教育的目的)
  第三節  職場求職類範文
    範文一  College Students' Job Hunting (大學生求職)
    範文二  How to Make Your Resume (如何製作你的簡歷)
    範文三  The Relationship between Ideal and Employment (理想和就業之間的關係)
    範文四  Choosing an Occupation (職業選擇)
    範文五  Graduates as a Village Official (大學生村官)
    範文六  Why Is It Difficult for College Students to Find Jobs? (大學生找工作為什麼這麼難?)
    範文七  How to Succeed in a Job Interview (如何在面試中成功)
    範文八  Whether to Work or Continue Studies after College Graduation(畢業后是工作還是繼續讀研)
    範文九  Salary or Interest When Finding a Job? (求職時工資第一還是興趣第一?)
    範文十  Social Practice of College Students (大學生的社會實踐)
    範文十一  Hard to Find a Job for Female Students (女生難找工作)
    範文十二  Indirect Employment (曲線就業)
    範文十三  What Jobs Do College Graduates Want to Take? (大學畢業生想找什麼樣的工作?)
    範文十四  On Students Being Tutors (論學生做家教)
    範文十五  The Issue of Employment for Graduates (畢業生求職)
    範文十六  Hunting Jobs on the Internet (網上求職)
    範文十七  A Letter of Application (求職信
    範文十八  A Letter of Application (求職信
    範文十九  A Letter of Application (求職信
    範文二十  A Letter of Application (求職信
  第四節  精彩校園類範文
    範文一  Students' Preference: Internet or Library (學生的喜好:網路還是圖書館)
    範文二  Time Arrangement at College (在大學的時間管理)
    範文三  College Assessment (大學的考核)
    範文四  Groups at College (大學社團)
    範文五  A Harmonious Dormitory Life (和諧的宿捨生活)
    範文六  Should College Students Follow Fashion? (大學生應該追求時尚嗎?)
    範文七  Smoking at College (大學生吸煙)
    範文八  How Should College Students Spend Their Spare Time? (大學生應如何利用課餘時間?)
    範文九  A Part-time Job I Have Done (我做過的一份兼職工作)
    範文十  Relationship between Teachers and Students (師生關係)
    範文十一  Social Practice (社會實踐)
    範文十二  Laptops Enter into Campus (筆記本電腦進入校園)
    範文十三  Volunteer Teaching in the West (西部支教)
    範文二十  Create a Conservation-oriented Campus (創建節約型校園)
    範文二十一  Students' Pursuit for Famous Brands (學生追求名牌)
  第五節  社會熱點類範文
    範文一  Should We Turn to the Internet for Answer? (我們應該上網尋求答案嗎?)
    範文二  The Lonely Life of Aged People (老年人的孤獨生活)
    範文三  Water Shortage (水資源短缺)
    範文四  Cell Phones (手機)
    範文五  Internet Slang (網路用語)
    範文六  Group Purchasing (團購)
    範文七  The Prevalence of Western Holidays (西方節日的盛行)
    範文八  Traffic Jam (交通擁堵)
    範文九  Global Warming (全球變暖)
    範文十  Pollution: An Increasing Concern in China (環境污染:中國日益關心的一個問題)
    範文十一  Social Network Sites (社交網站)
    範文十二  Popularity of Micro-message (微信的流行)
    範文十三  Air Pollution (空氣污染)
    範文十四  Effects of TV Programs (電視節目的影響)
    範文十五  Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese (給予漢語學習足夠的重視)
    範文十六  The Increase of Farmers' Income in China (中國農民收入增加)
    範文十七  Will Traditional Newspapers Disappear? (傳統的報紙會消失嗎?)
    範文十八  The Importance of Traditional Culture (傳統文化的重要性)
    範文十九  Celebrity Spokesperson (明星代言)
    範文二十  Cyber Crimes (網路犯罪)
  第六節  日常應用類範文
    範文一  Should Food Be Banned on the Subway? (地鐵上應該禁止食物嗎?)
    範文二  Sub-health(亞健康)
    範文三  Epidemics (傳染病)
    範文四  Credit Cards (信用卡)
    範文五  Pet Raising (養寵物)
    範文六  Information Security (信息安全)
    範文七  Observe the Traffic Rule (遵守交通規則)
    範文八  How to Keep Psychologically Healthy (如何保持心理健康)
    範文九  Changes in People's Daily Expenses (人們日常支出的改變)
    範文十  How People Spend Their Holidays (人們如何度假)
    範文十一  Technology and Life (技術與生活)
    範文十二  Don't Rely Too Much on Computers (不要過多依賴電腦)
    範文十三  How to Bridge the Generation Gap (如何消除代溝)
    範文十四  Free Admission to Parks (公園門票免費)
    範文十五  Stop Using Disposable Products (勿用一次性產品)
    範文十六  Fireworks (煙花爆竹)
    範文十七  Should Parents Plan Their Children's Leisure Time? (父母應當替子女安排空閑時間嗎?)
    範文十八  Why do People Like to Buy Lotteries? (為什麼人們喜歡購買彩票
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