幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)波卡拉
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510095597
  • 出版日期:2015/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:489
人民幣:RMB 78 元      售價:



Preface of the First Edition
Preface of the Second Edition
1 Introduction
  1.1 What is a Complex System?
  1.2 What is a Model?
  1.3 What is a Dynamical System?
2 How to Build Up a Model
  2.1 Lotka—Volterra Model
  2.2 More R,ealistic Predator—Prey Models
  2.3 A Model with a Stable Limit Cycle
  2.4 Fluctuating Environments
  2.5 Hutchinson's Time—Delay Model
  2.6 Discrete—Time Models
  2.7 Lattice Models
3 Differential Equations
  3.1 Flows
  3.2 Linearization and Stability
    3.2.1 Linear Systems
    3.2.2 Nonlinear Systems
  3.3 Graphical Study of Two—Dimensional Systems
  3.4 Structural Stability
  3.5 Local Bifurcations of Vector Fields
    3.5.1 One—Dimensional Vector Fields
    3.5.2 Equivalent Families of Vector Fields
    3.5.3 Hopf Bifurcation
    3.5.4 Catastrophes
  3.6 Influence of Diffusion
    3.6.1 Random Walk and Diffusion
    3.6.2 One—Population Dynamics with Dispersal
    3.6.3 Critical Patch Size
    3.6.4 Diffusion—Induced Instability
4 Recurrence Equations
  4.1 Iteration of Maps
  4.2 Stability
  4.3 Poincare Maps
  4.4 Local Bifurcations of Maps
    4.4.1 Maps on R
    4.4.2 The Hopf Bifurcation
  4.5 Sequences of Period—Doubling Bifurcations
    4.5.1 Logistic Model

    4.5.2 Universality
5 Chaos
  5.1 Defining Chaos
    5.1.1 Dynanucs of the Logistic Map f4
    5.1.2 Definition of Chaos
  5.2 Routes to Chaos
  5.3 Characterizing Chaos
    5.3.1 Stochastic Properties
    5.3.2 Lyapunov Exponent
    5.3.3 "Period Threelmplies Chaos"
    5.3.4 Strange Attractors
  5.4 Chaotic Discrete—Time Models
    5.4.1 One—Population Models
    5.4.2 The Henon Map
  5.5 Chaotic Continuous—Time Models
    5.5.1 The Lorenz Model
6 Spatial Models
  6.1 Cellular Automata
  6.2 Number—Conserving Cellular Automata
  6.3 Eventually Number—Conserving Cellular Automata
  6.4 Approximate Methods
  6.5 Generalized Cellular Automata
  6.6 Kinetic Growth Phenomena
  6.7 Site—Exchange Cellular Automata
  6.8 Agent—Based Spatial Models
  6.9 Sociophysics
7 Networks
  7.1 The Small—World Phenomenon
  7.2 Graphs
  7.3 Random Networks
  7.4 Small—World Networks
    7.4.1 Watts—Strogatz Model
    7.4.2 Newman—Watts Model
    7.4.3 Highly Connected Extra Vertex Model
  7.5 Scale—Free Networks
    7.5.1 Empirical Results
    7.5.2 A Few Models
8 Power—Law Distributions

  8.1 Classical Examples
  8.2 A Few Notions of Probability Theory
    8.2.1 Basic Definitions
    8.2.2 Central Limit Theorem
    8.2.3 Lognormal Distribution
    8.2.4 Levy Distributions
    8.2.5 Truncated Levy Distributions
    8.2.6 Student's t—Distribution
    8.2.7 A Word About Statistics
  8.3 Empirical Results and Tentative Models
    8.3.1 Financial Markets
    8.3.2 Demographic and Area Distribution
    8.3.3 Family Names
    8.3.4 Distribution of Votes
  8.4 Self—Organized Criticality
    8.4.1 The Sandpile Model
    8.4.2 Drossel—Schwabl Forest Fire Model
    8.4.3 Punctuated Equilibria and Darwinian Evolution
    8.4.4 Real— Life Phenomena

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