幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:徐克容//楊立民|總主編:楊立民
  • 出版社:外語教研
  • ISBN:9787513507257
  • 出版日期:2011/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:458
人民幣:RMB 59.9 元      售價:



Pronunciation Table
Unit 1
Text A Another School Year  What For?
Text B Unforgettable Miss Bessie
Unit 2
Text A Say Yes
Text B Arrangement in Black and White
Unit ]
Text A The Rite of Spring
Text B What My Garden Taught Me--the Hard Way
Unit 4
Text A The Man in the Water
Text B Two Heroes for the Price of One
Unit 5
Text A Quick Fix Society
Text B Hooked on the Quick Fix
Unit 6
Text A Wisdom of Bear Wood
Text B Baby Birds
Unit 7
Inter-Lesson (I)
Unit 8
Text A The Man in Asbestos
Text B Harrison Bergeron
Unit 9
Text A Confessions ofa Miseducated Man
Text B Understanding Society and Culture Through Eating
Unit l0
Text A Pompeii
Text B The Dog of Pompeii
Unit ll
Text A Button, Button
Text B A Doctor's Dilemma
Unit 12
Text A A Fundamental Technique in Handling People
Text B Remember, We're Raising Children, Not Flowers!
Unit |3
Text A Mr. Imagination
Text B Mr. Phileas Fogg's Wager of~20,000
Unit 14
Inter-Lesson (II)
Unit 15
TextA Obama's Victory Speech
Text B Obama's Speech at Shanghai Science and Technology Museum
Unit 16
Text A The Oyster and the Pearl
Text B The Last Word Was Love
Glossary List

Language Items
Grammar Terms

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