幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:李磊//郭衛
  • 出版社:中國電力
  • ISBN:9787512380394
  • 出版日期:2015/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:251
人民幣:RMB 56 元      售價:

    本套教材共分三冊,每冊由學生用書、學習指導和教師用書組成,各冊分別配有相應的聽力練習、課後單詞錄音MP3和各單元的教學課件。本書為學生用書第一冊。本套教材借鑒任務驅動法(Task driven method)的思路,依據教育部頒發的《高職高專教育英語課程教學基本要求》和全國大學英語四六級考試大綱,參照雅思考試的要求,注重聽、說、讀、寫、譯各種能力的培養;選材難度適中,融知識性、趣味性、實用性于一體,同時具有鮮明時代感;力求改變傳統教學模式,即變講授模式為討論互動教學模式,突出學生主體特徵,激發學習興趣,調動學習積極性,使學生易獲成就感,從而消除厭學情緒。與之前的《應用英語教程》相比,本套教材在整體編排、選材、習題等方面均有完善和提高。


Module 1 Greetings
  Part I Listening Activities
  Part II Speaking Activities
  Part III Reading Activities
    Text A Greeting Etiquette
    Text B American Ways of Greeting
  Part IV Further Development
Module 2 Food
  Part I Listening Activities
  Part II SpeakingActivities
  Part III Reading Activities
    Text A What Do the World's Healthiest People Eat?
    Text B A Healing Cuisine
  Part W Further Development
Module 3 Holidays and Special Days
  Part I Listening Activities
  Part II SpeakingActivities
  Part III Reading Activities
    Text A Five Unique New Year's Traditions around the World
    Text B Halloween N
  Part IV Further Development
Module 4 Sports and Games
  Part I Listening Activities
  Part II Speaking Activities
  Part III Reading Activities
    Text A Sports in America
    Text B Ancient Olympics ~ The Athletes
  Part IV Further Development
Module 5 Love and Family
  Part I Listening Activities
  Part II Speaking Activities
  Part III Reading Activities
    Text A A Happy Wife DOES Equal A Happy Life
    Text B A Father's Love
  Part IV Further Development
Module 6 Life Stories
  Part I Listening Activities
  Part II Speaking Activities
  Part III Reading Activities
    Text A A Life Sold
    Text B A Ball to Roll Around
  Part IV Further Development
Module 7 The Inter Age
  Part I Listening Activities
  Part II Speaking Activities
  Part III Reading Activities
    Text A No Escape from the Web
    Text B The Age of the Internet Nerd
  Part IV Further Development

Module 8 Education
  Part I Listening Activities
  Part II Speaking Activities
  Part III Reading Activities
    Text A For Some Teens A Busy Life Takes Fun out of High School
    Text B Picking up a New Language
  Part IV Further Development
Appendix I Grammar
Appendix II Glossary
Appendix III Class Activities

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