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  • 作者:(瑞士)克里格
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510094675
  • 出版日期:2015/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:484
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



1  Introduction and overview
  1.1  The main result and its history
  1.2  Wave maps to H2
  1.3  The small data theory
  1.4  The Bahouri-G6rard concentration compactness method
  1.5  The Kenig-Merle agument
  1.6  An overview of the book
2  The spaces S [k] and N [k]
  2.1  Preliminaries
  2.2  The null-frame spaces
  2.3  The energy estimate
  2.4  A stronger S[k]-norm, and time localizations
  2.5  Solving the inhomogeneous wave equation in the Coulomb gauge
3  Hodge decomposition and null-structures
4  Bilinear estimates involving S and N spaces
  4.1  Basic L2-bounds
  4.2 An algebra estimate for S[k]
  4.3  Bilinear estimates involving both S [kl] and N [k2] waves
  4.4  Null-form bounds in the high-high case
  4.5  Null-form bounds in the low-high and high-low cases
5  Trilinear estimates
  5.1  Reduction to the hyperbolic case
  5.2  Trilinear estimates for hyperbolic S-waves
  5.3  Improved trilinear estimates with angular alignment
6  Quintilinear and higher nonlinearities
  6.1  Error terms of order higher than five
7  Some basic perturbative results
  7.1  A blow-up criterion
  7.2  Control of wave maps via a fixed L2-profile
8  BMO, Ap, and weighted commutator estimates
9  The Bahouri-Gerard concentration compactness method
  9.1  The precise setup for the B ahouri-G6rard method
  9.2  Step 1: Frequency decomposition of initial data
  9.3  Step 2: Frequency localized approximations to the data
  9.4  Step 3: Evolving the lowest-frequency nonatomic part
  9.5  Completion of some proofs
  9.6  Step 4: Adding the first large component
  9.7  Step 5: Invoking the induction hypothesis
  9.8  Completion of proofs
  9.9  Step 6 of the Bahouri-Gerard process; adding all atoms
10  The proof of the main theorem
  10.1  Some preliminary properties of the limiting profiles
  10.2  Rigidity I: Harmonic maps and reduction to the self-similar case
  10.3  Rigidity II: The self-similar case
1l  Appendix
  11.1  Completing a proof
  11.2  Completion of proofs
  11.3  Completion of a proof
  11.4  Completion of a proof
  11.5  Competion of proofs


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