幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)呂恩博格
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510094736
  • 出版日期:2015/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:546
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



Chapter 1.Introduction
  1.2.Types of Problems
  1.3.Size of Problems
  1.4.Iterative Algorithms and Convergence
  PART Ⅰ Linear Programming
Chapter 2.Basic Properties of Linear Programs
  2.2.Examples of Linear Programming Problems
  2.3.Basic Solutions
  2.4.The Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming
  2.5.Relations to Convexity
Chapter 3.The Simplex Method
  3.2.Adjacent Extreme Points
  3.3.Determining a Minimum Feasible Solution
  3.4.Computational Procedure—Simplex Method
  3.5.Artifi Variables
  3.6.Matrix Form of the Simplex Method
  3.7.The Revised Simplex Method
  3.8.The Simplex Method and LU Decomposition
Chapter 4.Duality
  4.1.Dual Linear Programs
  4.2.The Duality Theorem
  4.3.Relations to the Simplex Procedure
  4.4.Sensitivity and Complementary Slackness
  4.5.The Dual Simplex Method
  4.6.The—Primal—Dual Algorithm
  4.7.Reduction of Linear Inequalities
Chapter 5.Interior—Point Methods
  5.1.Elements of Complexity Theory
  5.2.The Simplex Method is not Polynomial—Time
  5.3.The Ellipsoid Method
  5.4.The Analytic Center
  5.5.The Central Path
  5.6.Solution Strategies
  5.7.Termination and Initialization
Chapter 6.Transportation and Network Flow Problems
  6.1.The Transportation Problem
  6.2.Finding a Basic Feasible Solution
  6.3.Basis Triangularity
  6.4.Simplex Method for Transportation Problems
  6.5.The Assignment Problem

  6.6.Basic Network Concepts
  6.7.Minimum Cost Flow
  6.8.Maximal Flow
  PART Ⅱ Unconstrained Problems
Chapter 7.Basic Properties of Solutions and Algorithms
  7.1.First—Order Necessary Conditions
  7.2.Examples of Unconstrained Problems
  7.3.Second—Order Conditions
  7.4.Convex and Concave Functions
  7.5.Minimization and Maximization of Convex Functions
  7.6.Zero—Order Conditions
  7.7.Global Convergence of Descent Algorithms
  7.8.Speed of Convergence
Chapter 8.Basic Descent Methods
  8.1.Fibonacci and Golden Section Search
  8.2.Line Search by Curve Fitting
  8.3.Global Convergence of Curve Fitting
  8.4.Closedness of Line Search Algorithms
  8.5.Inaccurate Line Search
  8.6.The Method of Steepest Descent
  8.7.Applications of the Theory
  8.8.Newton's Method
  8.9.Coordinate Descent Methods
  8.10.Spacer Steps
Chapter 9.Conjugate Direction Methods
  9.1.Conjugate Directions
  9.2.Descent Properties of the Conjugate Direction Method
  9.3.The Conjugate Gradient Method
  9.4.The C—G Method as an Optimal Process
  9.5.The Partial Conjugate Gradient Method
  9.6.Extension to Nonquadratic Problems
  9.7.Parallel Tangents
Chapter 10.Quasi—Newton Methods
  10.1.Modified Newton Method
  10.2.Construction of the Inverse
  10.3.Davidon—Fletcher—Powell Method
  10.4.The Broyden Family
  10.5.Convergence Properties
  10.7.Memoryless Quasi—Newton Methods
  10.8.Combination of Steepest Descent and Newton's Method

  PART Ⅲ Constrained Minimization
Chapter 11.Constrained Minimization Conditions
  1.2.Tangent Plane
  1.3.First—Order Necessary Conditions(Equality Constraints)
  1.5.Second—Order Conditions
  1.6.Eigenvalues in Tangent Subspace
  1.8.Inequality Constraints
  1.9.Zero—Order Conditions and Lagrange Multipliers
Chapter 12.Primal Methods
  12.1.Advantage of Primal Methods
  12.2.Feasible Direction Methods
  12.3.Active Set Methods
  12.4.The Gradient Projection Method
  12.5.Convergence Rate of the Gradient Projection Method
  12.6.The Reduced Gradient Method
  12.7.Convergence Rate of the Reduced Gradient Method
Chapter 13.Penalty and Barrier Methods
  13.1.Penalty Methods
  13.2.Barrier Methods
  13.3.Properties of Penalty and Barrier Functions
  13.4.Newton's Method and Penalty Functions
  13.5.Conjugate Gradients and Penalty Methods
  13.6.Normalization of Penalty Functions
  13.7.Penalty Functions and Gradient Projection
  13.8.Exact Penalty Functions
Chapter 14.Dual and Cutting Plane Methods
  14.1.Global Duality
  14.2.Local Duality
  14.3.Dual Canonical Convergence Rate
  14.4.Separable Problems
  14.5.Augmented Lagrangians
  14.6.The Dual Viewpoint
  14.7.Cutting Plane Methods
  14.8.Kelley's Convex Cutting Plane Algorithm
Chapter 15.Primal—Dual Methods
  15.1.The Standard Problem
  15.3.A Simple Merit Function

  15.4.Basic Primal—Dual Methods
  15.5.Modified Newton Methods
  15.6.Descent Properties
  15.7.Rate of Convergence
  15.8.Interior Point Methods
  15.9.Semidefinite Programming
Appendix A.Mathematical Review
  A.2.Matrix Notation
  A.4.Eigenvalues and Quadratic Forms
  A.5.Topological Concepts
Appendix B.Convex Sets
  B.1.Basic Definitions
  B.2.Hyperplanes and Polytopes
  B.3.Separating and Supporting Hyperplanes
  B.4.Extreme Points
Appendix C.Gaussian Elimination

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