幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(德)哈克
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510094668
  • 出版日期:2015/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:573
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



1  Introduction
2  Time Reversal and Unitary Symmetries
  2.1  Autonomous Classical Flows
  2.2  Spinless Quanta
  2.3  Spin- 1/2 Quanta
  2.4  Hamiltonians Without T Invariance
  2.5  T Invariant Hamiltonians, T2 = 1
  2.6  Kramers' Degeneracy
  2.7  Kramers' Degeneracy and Geometric Symmetries
  2.8  Kramers' Degeneracy Without Geometric Symmetries
  2.9  Nonconventional Time Reversal
  2.10   Stroboscopic Maps for Periodically Driven Systems
  2.11   Time Reversal for Maps
  2.12   Canonical Transformations for Floquet Operators
  2.13   Beyond Dyson's Threefold Way
    2.13.1  Normal-Superconducting Hybrid Structures.
    2.13.2  Systems with Chiral Symmetry
  2.14   Problems
3  Level Repulsion
  3. l  Preliminaries
  3.2  Symmetric Versus Nonsymmetric H or F
  3.3  Kramers' Degeneracy
  3.4  Universality Classes of Level Repulsion
  3.5  Nonstandard Symmetry Classes
  3.6  Experimental Observation of Level Repulsion
  3.7  Problems
4  Random-Matrix Theory
  4.1  Preliminaries
  4.2  Ganssian Ensembles of Hermitian Matrices
  4.3  Eigenvalue Distributions for Dyson's Ensembles
  4.4  Eigenvalue Distributions for Nonstandard Symmetry Classes
  4.5  Level Spacing Distributions
  4.6  Invariance of the Integration Measure
  4.7  Average Level Density
  4.8  Unfolding Spectra
  4.9  Eigenvector Distributions
    4.9. l   Single-Vector Density
    4.9.2   Joint Density of Eigenvectors
  4.10   Ergodicity of the Level Density
  4.11   Dyson's Circular Ensembles
  4.12   Asymptotic Level Spacing Distributions
  4.13   Determinants as Gaussian Grassmann Integrals
  4.14   Two-Point Correlations of the Level Density
    4.14.1  Two-Point Correlator and Form Factor
    4.14.2  Form Factor for the Poissonian Ensemble
    4.14.3  Form Factor for the CUE
    4.14.4  Form Factor for the COE

    4.14.5  Form Factor for the CSE
  4.15   Newton's Relations
    4.15.1  Traces Versus Secular Coefficients
    4.15.2  Solving Newton's Relations
  4.16   Selfinversiveness and Riemann-Siegel Lookalike
  4.17   Higher Correlations of the Level Density
    4.17.1  Correlation and Cumulant Functions
    4.17.2  Ergodicity of the Two-Point Correlator
    4.17.3  Ergodicity of the Form Factor
    4.17.4  Joint Density of Traces of Large CUE Matrices
  4.18   Correlations of Secular Coefficients
  4.19   Fidelity of Kicked Tops to Random-Matrix Theory
  4.20   Problems
5  Level Clustering
  5.1  Preliminaries
  5.2  Invariant Tori of Classically Integrable Systems
  5.3  Einstein-Brillouin-Keller Approximation
  5.4  Level Crossings for Integrable Systems
  5.5  Poissonian Level Sequences
  5.6  Superposition of Independent Spectra
  5.7  Periodic Orbits and the Semiclassical Density of Levels
  5.8  Level Density Fluctuations for Integrable Systems
  5.9  Exponential Spacing Distribution for Integrable Systems
  5.10   Equivalence of Different Unfoldings
  5.11   Problems
6  Level Dynamics
  6.1  Preliminaries
  6.2  Fictitious Particles (Pechukas-Yukawa Gas)
  6.3  Conservation Laws
  6.4  Intermultiplet Crossings
  6.5  Level Dynamics for Classically Integrable Dynamics
  6.6  Two-Body Collisions
  6.7  Ergodicity of Level Dynamics and Universality
  of Spectral Fluctuations
    6.7.1   Ergodicity
    6.7.2   Collision Time
    6.7.3   Universality
  6.8  Equilibrium Statistics
  6.9  Random-Matrix Theory as Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
    6.9.1   General Strategy
    6.9.2   A Typical Coordinate Integral
    6.9.3   Influence of a Typical Constant of the Motion
    6.9.4   The General Coordinate Integral
    6.9.5   Concluding Remarks
  6.10  Dynamics of Rescaled Energy Levels
  6.11   Level Curvature Statistics
  6.12   Level Velocity Statistics
  6.13   Dyson's Brownian-Motion Model

  6.14   Local and Global Equilibrium in Spectra
  6.15   Problems
7  Quantum Localization
  7.1  Preliminaries
  7.2  Localization in Anderson's Hopping Model
  7.3  The Kicked Rotator as a Variant of Anderson's Model
  7.4   Lloyd's Model
  7.5  The Classical Diffusion Constant as the Quantum Localization
  7.6  Absence of Localization for the Kicked Top
  7.7  The Rotator as a Limiting Case of the Top
  7.8  Problems
8  Dissipative Systems
  8.1  Preliminaries
  8.2  Hamiltonian Embeddings
  8.3  Time-Scale Separation for Probabilities and Coherences
  8.4  Dissipative Death of Quantum Recurrences
  8.5  Complex Energies and Quasi-Energies
  8.6  Different Degrees of Level Repulsion for Regular
  and Chaotic Motion
  8.7  Poissonian Random Process in the Plane
  8.8  Ginibre's Ensemble of Random Matrices
    8.8.1   Normalizing the Joint Density
    8.8.2   The Density of Eigenvalues
    8.8.3   The Reduced Joint Densities
    8.8.4   The Spacing Distribution
  8.9  General Properties of Generators
  8.10   Universality of Cubic Level Repulsion
    8.10.1   Antiunitary Symmetries
    8.10.2   Microreversibility
  8.11   Dissipation of Quantum Localization
    8.11.1   Zaslavsky's Map
    8.11.2  Damped Rotator
    8.11.3   Destruction of Localization
  8.12   Problems
9  Classical Hamiltonian Chaos
  9.1  Preliminaries
  9.2  Phase Space, Hamilton's Equations and All That
  9.3  Action as a Generating Function
  9.4  Linearized Flow and Its Jacobian Matrix
  9.5  Liouville Picture
  9.6  Symplectic Structure
  9.7  Lyapunov Exponents
  9.8  Stretching Factors and Local Stretching Rates
  9.9  Poincar6 Map
  9.10   Stroboscopic Maps of Periodically Driven Systems
  9.11   Varieties of Chaos

  9.12   The Sum Rule of Hannay and Ozorio de Almeida
    9.12.1  Maps
    9.12.2  Flows
  9.13   Propagator and Zeta Function
  9.14   Exponential Stability of the Boundary Value Problem ..
  9.15   Sieber-Richter Self-Encounter and Partner Orbit
    9.15.1  Non-technical Discussion
    9.15.2  Quantitative Discussion of 2-Encounters
  9.16   l-Encounters and Orbit Bunches
  9.17   Densities of Arbitrary Encounter Sets
  9.18   Problems
10 Semiclassical Roles for Classical Orbits
  10.1   Preliminaries
  10.2   Van Vleck Propagator
    10.2.1  Maps
    10.2.2  Flows
  10.3   Gutzwiller's Trace Formula
    10.3.1  Maps
    10.3.2  Flows
    10.3.3  Weyrs Law
    10.3.4  Limits of Validity and Outlook
  10.4   Lagrangian Manifolds and Maslov Theory
    10.4.1  Lagrangian Manifolds
    10.4.2  Elements of Maslov Theory
    10.4.3  Maslov Indices as Winding Numbers
  10.5   Riemann-Siegel Look-Alike
  10.6   Spectral Two-Point Correlator
    10.6.1  Real and Complex Correlator
    10.6.2  Local Energy Average
    10.6.3  Generating Function
    10.6.4  Periodic-Orbit Representation
  10.7   Diagonal Approximation
    10.7.1  Unitary Class
    10.7.2  Orthogonal Class
  10.8   Off-Diagonal Contributions, Unitary Symmetry Class
    10.8.1  Structures of Pseudo-Orbit Quadruplets
    10.8.2  Diagrammatic Rules
    10.8.3  Example of Structure Contributions: A Single
    10.8.4  Cancellation of all Encounter Contributions
  for the Unitary Class
  10.9   Semiclassical Construction of a Sigma Model,Unitary Symmetry Class
    10.9.1  Matrix Elements for Ports and Contraction Lines for Links
    10.9.2  Wick's Theorem and Link Summation
    10.9.3  Signs
    10.9.4  Proof of Contraction Rules, Unitary Case
    10.9.5  Emergence of a Sigma Model
  10.10  Semiclassical Construction of a Sigma Model,
  Orthogonal Symmetry Class

    10.10.1  Structures
    10.10.2  Leading-Order Contributions
    10.10.3  Symbols for Ports and Contraction Lines for Links
    10.10.4  Gauss and Wick
    10.10.5  Signs
    10.10.6  Proof of Contraction Rules, Orthogonal Case
    10.10.7  Sigma Model
  10.11  Outlook
  10.12  Mixed Phase Space
  10.13  Problems
11  Superanalysis for Random-Matrix Theory
  11.1   Preliminaries
  11.2   Semicircle Law for the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble
    11.2.1  The Green Function and Its Average
    11.2.2  The GUE Average
    11.2.3  Doing the Superintegral
    11.2.4  Two Remaining Saddle-Point Integrals
  11.3   Superalgebra
    11.3.1  Motivation and Generators of Grassmann Algebras
    11.3.2  Supervectors, Supermatrices
    11.3.3  Superdeterminants
    11.3.4  Complex Scalar Product, Hermitian
  and Unitary Supermatrices
    11.3.5  Diagonalizing Supermatrices
  11.4   Superintegrals
    11.4.1  Some Bookkeeping for Ordinary Gaussian Integrals
    11.4.2  Recalling Grassmann Integrals
    11.4.3  Gaussian Superintegrals
    11.4.4  Some Properties of General Superintegrals
    11.4.5  Integrals over Supermatrices,
  Parisi-Sourlas-Efetov-Wegner Theorem
  11.5   The Semicircle Law Revisited
  11.6   The Two-Point Function of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble
    11.6.1  The Generating Function
    11.6.2  Unitary Versus Hyperbolic Symmetry
    11.6.3  Efetov's Nonlinear Sigma Model
    11.6.4  Implementing the Zero-Dimensional Sigma Model
    11.6.5  Integration Measure of the Nonlinear Sigma Model
    11.6.6  Back to the Generating Function
    11.6.7  Rational Parametrization of the Sigma Model
    11.6.8  High-Energy Asymptotics
  11.7   Universality of Spectral Fluctuations:
  Non-Gaussian Ensembles
    11.7.1  Delta Functions of Grassmann Variables
    11.7.2  Generating Function
  11.8   Universal Spectral Fluctuations of Sparse Matrices
  11.9   Thick Wires, Banded Random Matrices,
  One-Dimensional Sigma Model
    11.9.1  Banded Matrices Modelling Thick Wires

    11.9.2  Inverse Participation Ratio and Localization Length
    11.9.3  One-Dimensional Nonlinear Sigma Model
    11.9.4  Implementing the One-Dimensional Sigma Model
  11.10  Problems

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