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  • 作者:(德)克萊尼特
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510087745
  • 出版日期:2015/03/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:772
人民幣:RMB 130 元      售價:

    由克萊尼特(Hagen Kleinert)著的《量子力學統計學聚合物物理學和金融市場中的路徑積分(第1分冊第5版)(英文版)》是1990年版的擴展修訂版,第5版,現將書分為兩卷,前9章為上卷,后11章為下卷。這是第1卷。路徑積分作為重要的量子化手段在規範場理論的發展中起著極為重要的作用,同時在量子力學、統計物理和高分子物理研究中也有著廣泛的應用。本書是作者積多年教學和研究之經驗而寫成的,書中討論了路徑積分的原理、性質、解法及其應用。第5版對許多章節都作了較大的修改和補充,值得注意,用了大量的篇幅講述「路徑積分和金融市場」。


Preface to Fourth Edition
Preface to Third Edition
Preface to Second Edition
Preface to First Edition
1 Fundamentals
  1.1 Classical Mechanics
  1.2 Relativistic Mechanics in Curved Spacetime
  1.3 Quantum Mechanics
    1.3.1 Bragg Reflections and Interference
    1.3.2 Matter Waves
    1.3.3 Schrodinger Equation
    1.3.4 Particle Current Conservation
  1.4 Dirac's Bra-Ket Formalism
    1.4.1 Basis Transformations
    1.4.2 Bracket Notation
    1.4.3 Continuum Limit
    1.4.4 Generalized Functions
    1.4.5 Schrodinger Equation in Dirac Notation
    1.4.6 Momentum States
    1.4.7 Incompleteness and Poisson's Summation Formula
  1.5 Observables
    1.5.1 Uncertainty Relation
    1.5.2 Density Matrix and Wigner Function
    1.5.3 Generalization to Many Particles
  1.6 Time Evolution Operator
  1.7 Properties of the Time Evolution Operator
  1.8 Heisenberg Picture of Quantum Mechanics
  1.9 Interaction Picture and Perturbation Expansion
  1.10 Time Evolution Amplitude
  1.11 Fixed-Energy Amplitude
2 Path Integrals -- Elementary Properties and Simple Solutions
3 External Sources, Correlations, and Perturbation Theory
4 Semiclassical Time Evolution Amplitude
5 Variational Perturbation Theory
6 Path Integrals with Topological Constraints
7 Many Particle Orbits -- Statistics and Second Quantization
8 Path Integrals in Polar and Spherical Coordinates
9 Wave Functions
10 Spaces with Curvature and Torsion
11 Schrodinger Equation in General Metric-Afllne Spaces
12 New Path Integral Formula for Singular Potentials
13 Path Integral of Coulomb System
14 Solution of Further Path Integrals by Duru-Kleinert Method
15 Path Integrals in Polymer Physics
16 Polymers and Particle Orbits in Multiply Connected Spaces
17 Tunneling
18 Nonequilibrium Quantum Statistics
19 Relativistic Particle Orbits

20 Path Integrals and Financial Markets

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