幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:艾什//湯姆林森
  • 出版社:上海外教
  • ISBN:9787544639040
  • 出版日期:2015/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:189
人民幣:RMB 30 元      售價:

    由艾什(Fiona Aish)、湯姆林森(Jo Tomlinson)著的《學術英語講座(英文版)》通過五個真實片段,全面介紹聽學術英語講座的技巧。書中編寫大量實用練習,幫助學生提高學術英語聽力和記筆記能力,使他們更有效率地聽英語學術講座。


Chapter 1  The purpose of lectures
  ~ different types of listening
  ~ what a lecture is
  ~ what is expected from students
  ~ the rhythm of English
  ~ formal and informal language
Chapter 2  Preparing for lectures
  ~ using course structure to prepare for lectures
  ~ reading before a lecture
  ~ understanding key vocabulary
  ~ pausing and 'chunking' in speaking
  ~ signposting
Authentic lecture 1: Bill Gates and philanthrocapitalism
Chapter 3  The structure of lectures
  ~ understanding the structure of lectures
  ~ differing lecture structures
  ~ time expressions
  ~ introductions and conclusions
Chapter 4  Features of speech
  ~ noticing lecturers' accents and styles
  ~ natural spoken language
  ~ connected speech
  ~ dealing with unknown words
  ~ recording vocabulary
Authentic lecture 2: A brief overview of tsunamis
Chapter 5  Understanding points
  ~ content of lecture notes
  ~ lecturers' voice
  ~ understanding fact and opinion
  ~ reference words
Chapter 6  Thinking critically
  ~ analysing the lecturer's perspective
  ~ evaluating arguments and views in a lecture
  ~ applying critical thinking
  ~ connected speech and the'schwa'
  ~ rhetorical questions
Authentic lecture 3: The pursuit of innovation
Chapter 7  Strategies for note taking
  ~ different note-taking systems
  ~ taking notes quickly
  ~ relative clauses
  ~ rising and falling intonation
Chapter 8  Understanding your notes
  ~ the importance of notes for assessments
  ~ rewriting notes
  ~ organizing paper and electronic notes
  ~ keeping notes accurate
  ~ using context to help with understanding
Authentic lecture 4: The history of universities in Western Europe

Chapter 9  Other types of academic listening
  ~ listening in tutorials
  ~ listening in seminars
  ~ different university systems
  ~ pronunciation revision
  ~ polite language
Chapter 10  Moving forward
  ~ knowing your strengths and weaknesses
  ~ making an improvement plan
  ~ speaker'mistakes'
  ~ pronunciation review
Authentic lecture 5: Learner autonomy
Learner resources
Audio scripts
Answer key

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