幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:編者:波頓
  • 出版社:上海外教
  • ISBN:9787544639118
  • 出版日期:2015/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:191
人民幣:RMB 30 元      售價:

    由波頓(Graham Burton)編著的《學術英語演講(英文版)》旨在提高大學生的學術英語演講能力,提供的技巧涵蓋正式演講中的遣詞用語、語音語調、眼神手勢,以及如何利用各種視覺輔助設備等方方面面,適用於研討會、導師指導課、正式演講以及海報展示等,可操作性強,適合各專業學生學習使用。


Chapter 1    Presenting at university
    ~understand reasons for giving presentations
    ~learn about types of presentation
    ~understand common fears about presentations
    ~learn about features of a good presentation
Chapter 2    Seminars and tutorials
    ~understand the difference between seminars and tutorials
    ~understand the difference between seminar presentations
      and seminar papers
    ~take part in seminar discussions
    ~give a. seminar paper
Chapter 3    Planning and structuring formal presentations
    ~think about the brief for your presentation
    ~structure a presentation
    ~give introductions and conclusions to your presentation
    ~give the main part of a presentation and move from part to part
Chapter 4    Making and using notes
    ~understand some differences between spoken and written English
    ~understand why it is important to speak from notes
    ~make notes
    ~understand some practical considerations of speaking from notes
Chapter 5    Using your voice
    ~control your breathing
    ~find the right volume and pace
    ~use intonation to make your message clear
    ~learn about word stress and sentence stress
    ~make your presentation more fluent
Chapter 6    Body language and eye contact
    ~appear relaxed
    ~choose between sitting and standing
    ~practise posture, position and movement
    ~think about where to look
    ~use your hands
Chapter 7    Engaging your audience
    ~use inclusive language
    ~use simple language
    ~ask your audience questions
    ~learn to emphasize
    ~show your opinion
Chapter 8    How to use visual aids
    ~learn about different types of visual aid
    ~make visual aids that are useful and effective
    ~learn language to refer to visual aids
    ~think about practical considerations when preparing visual aids
    ~deal with problems with visual aids during your presentation
Chapter 9    Tips on using PowerPoint software
    ~find alternatives to PowerPoint software
    ~identify common mistakes
    ~add content

    ~master basic formatting and design
    ~carry out final checks
Chapter 10    Preparing, rehearsing and dealing with nerves
    ~revise what, why, where and how to rehearse
    ~rehearse in groups
    ~deal with nerves
    ~overcome negative thoughts
    ~build confidence
Chapter 11    Avoiding and solving problems
    ~carry out final checks
    ~resolve problems during your presentation
    ~analyse feelings after your presentation
    ~deal with questions
Chapter 12    Poster presentations
    ~understand what a poster presentation is
    ~understand the advantages of poster presentations
    ~plan and choose content
    ~design and create a poster
    ~present your poster on the day
Audio scripts
Answer key

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