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  • 作者:編者:劉軍營
  • 出版社:機械工業
  • ISBN:9787111492764
  • 出版日期:2015/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:299
人民幣:RMB 49 元      售價:



第1章 緒論(Introduction)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  1.1 流體傳動概況(Outline of Fluid Power Transmission)
  1.2 流體傳動的工作原理與組成 (Principles and Components of Fluid Power Transmission)
    1.2.1 流體傳動的工作原理(Principles of Fluid Power Transmission)
    1.2.2 流體傳動的組成(Components of Fluid Power Transmission)
    1.2.3 流體傳動的圖形符號和系統圖(Diagram Symbols and System Diagram of Fluid Power Transmission)
  1.3 流體傳動的特點及應用(Characteristics and Application of Fluid Power Transmission)
    1.3.1 流體傳動的特點(Characteristics of Fluid Power Transmission)
    1.3.2 液壓和氣壓傳動的應用(Application of Fluid Power Transmission)
第2章 液壓流體力學基礎知識(Fundamental Knowledge of Hydraulic Fluid Mechanics)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  2.1 液壓工作介質(Hydraulic Working Medium)
    2.1.1 液壓工作介質種類(Types of Hydraulic Working Medium)
    2.1.2 液壓工作介質性質(Performances of Hydraulic Working Medium)
    2.1.3 液壓介質使用要求和選用(Requests and Choice of Hydraulic Working Medium)
    2.1.4 液壓介質污染及控制(Pollution and Control of Hydraulic Working Medium)
  2.2 液體靜力學基礎(Basic Knowledge of Hydrostatics)
    2.2.1 液體靜壓力及特徵(Characteristics of Hydrostatics)
    2.2.2 液體靜壓力基本方程(Basic Formula of Hydrostatics)
    2.2.3 壓力的表示方法及單位(Definition and Units of Pressure)
    2.2.4 帕斯卡原理(Principle of Pascal)
    2.2.5 液體作用於固體表面上的力(Effect of Fluid Pressure on Curved Surfaces)
  2.3 液體動力學基礎(Basic Knowledge of Hydrodynamics)
    2.3.1 流動液體的基本概念(Fundamental Concepts of Fluid Flow)
    2.3.2 流量連續性方程(Equation of Continuity)
    2.3.3 伯努利方程(Bernoulli Equation)
    2.3.4 動量方程(Equation of Momentum)
    2.3.5 液體流動時的壓力損失(Pressure Losses of Fluid Flow)
  2.4 液體流經孔口和縫隙流量(Flow Rate for Liquid Through Orifice and Clearance)
    2.4.1 液體流經孔口流量(Flow Rate of Liquid Through Orifice)
    2.4.2 液體流經縫隙流量(Flow Rate of Liquid Through Clearance)
  2.5 液壓衝擊和空穴現象(Hydraulic Shock and Cavitation)
    2.5.1 液壓衝擊(Hydraulic Shock)
    2.5.2 空穴現象(Cavitation)
第3章 液壓泵與液壓馬達(Hydraulic Pump and Hydraulic Motor)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  3.1 概述(Outline)
    3.1.1 液壓泵和液壓馬達的工作原理(Working Principle of Hydraulic Pump and Motor)
    3.1.2 液壓泵與液壓馬達的主要性能參數(Main Performance Parameters of Hydraulic Pump and Hydraulic Motor)
  3.2 齒輪泵(Gear Pump)
    3.2.1 外嚙合齒輪泵(External Gear Pump)
    3.2.2 內嚙合齒輪泵(Internal Gear Pump)
    3.2.3 螺桿泵(Screw Pump)
  3.3 葉片泵(Vane Pump)

    3.3.1 單作用葉片泵(Single Acting Pump)
    3.3.2 雙作用葉片泵(Double Acting Vane Pump)
  3.4 柱塞泵(Piston Pump)
    3.4.1 斜盤式軸向柱塞泵(Swash Plate Axial Piston Pump)
    3.4.2 斜軸式軸向柱塞泵(Bent Axis Piston Pump)
    3.4.3 徑向柱塞泵(Radial Piston Pump)
  3.5 齒輪馬達(Gear Motor)
  3.6 葉片馬達(Vane Motor)
  3.7 柱塞馬達(Piston Motor)
    3.7.1 軸向柱塞馬達(Axial Piston Motor)
    3.7.2 徑向柱塞馬達(Radial Piston Motor)
    (3.7 *N)液壓與氣壓傳動
  3.8 液壓泵與液壓馬達的選擇與應用(Selection and Application of Hydraulic Pump and Hydraulic Motor)
    3.8.1 液壓泵的選擇(Selection of Pump)
    3.8.2 液壓馬達的選擇(Selection of Hydraulic Motor)
    3.8.3 液壓泵和液壓馬達的使用(Use of Hydraulic Pump and Motor)
第4章 液壓缸(Hydraulic Cylinder)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  4.1 液壓缸的主要類型及特點(Main Types and Characteristics of Hydraulic Cylinder)
    4.1.1 液壓缸的工作原理(Working Principle of Hydraulic Cylinder)
    4.1.2 液壓缸的分類及工作特點(Classification and Working Characteristics of Hydraulic Cylinder)
  4.2 液壓缸的結構及運動分析(Structure and Motion Analysis of Hydraulic Cylinder)
    4.2.1 單桿活塞式液壓缸(Single Rod Piston Hydraulic Cylinder)
    4.2.2 柱塞式液壓缸(Plunger Hydraulic Cylinder)
    4.2.3 伸縮套筒缸(Telescopic Cylinder)
    4.2.4 擺動式液壓缸(Swing Cylinder)
  4.3 液壓缸的設計(Design of Hydraulic Cylinder)
    4.3.1 液壓缸主要參數的設計計算(Design Calculation of Main Parameters of Hydraulic Cylinder)
    4.3.2 液壓缸的強度計算與校核(Strength Calculation and Check of Hydraulic Cylinder)
第5章 液壓控制閥(Hydraulic Control Valve)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  5.1 概述(Outline)
  5.2 方向控制閥(Directional Control Valve)
    5.2.1 單向閥 (One Way Valve)
    5.2.2 換向閥(Directional Control Valve)
  5.3 壓力控制閥 (Pressure Control Valve)
    5.3.1 溢流閥(Relief Valve)
    5.3.2 減壓閥(Reducing Pressure Valve)
    5.3.3 順序閥(Sequence Valve)
    5.3.4 壓力繼電器(Pressure Relay)
  5.4 流量控制閥 (Flow Control Valve)
    5.4.1 節流閥(Throttle Valve)
    5.4.2 調速閥(Speed Control Valve)
    5.4.3 溢流節流閥(Overflow Throttle Valve)
    5.4.4 分流集流閥(Shunt and Collecting Flow Valve)
    5.5 插裝閥與多路換向閥(Cartridge Valve and Multi Way Directional Valve)

    5.5.1 插裝閥(Cartridge Valve)
    5.5.2 多路換向閥(Multi Way Directional Valve)
第6章 液壓輔助元件(Auxiliary Components for Hydraulic System)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  6.1 蓄能器(Accumulator)
  6.2 過濾器(Filter)
  6.3 密封元件(Sealing Components)
  6.4 油管及管接頭(Tubing and Pipe Joint)
  6.5 油箱(Oil Tank)
  6.6 熱交換器和儀錶(Heat Exchanger and Instrument)
第7章 液壓傳動基本迴路(Basic Circuit of Hydraulic Transmission)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  7.1 方向控制迴路(Directional Control Circuit)
    7.1.1 換向迴路(Directional Circuit)
    7.1.2 制動迴路(Drake Circuit)
    7.1.3 鎖緊迴路和往複直線運動換向迴路(Locked Circuit and Reciprocating linear Motion Reversing Circuit)
  7.2 壓力控制迴路(Pressure Control Circuit)
    7.2.1 調壓迴路(Pressure Adjusting Circuit)
    7.2.2 減壓迴路(Pressure Reducing Circuit)
    7.2.3 保壓迴路(Pressure Holding Circuit)
    7.2.4 增壓迴路(Pressure Increasing Circuit)
    7.2.5 平衡迴路(Pressure Balancing Circuit)
    7.2.6 卸荷迴路(Pressure Venting Circuit)
  7.3 速度控制迴路(Speed Control Circuit)
    7.3.1 節流調速迴路(Throttle Speed Adjusting Circuit)
    7.3.2 容積調速迴路(Volume Speed Adjusting Circuit)
    7.3.3 容積節流調速迴路(Volume and Throttle Speed Adjusting Circuit)
    7.3.4 快速迴路和速度換接迴路(Fast Speed Circuit and Speed Shift Circuit)
  7.4 多執行元件運動控制迴路(Multi Actuator Motion Control Circuit)
    7.4.1 順序動作迴路(Sequence Motion Circuit)
    7.4.2 同步運動迴路(Synchronization Circuit)
    7.4.3 互不干擾迴路(No Mutual Interference Circuit)
第8章 液壓系統實例分析(Example Analysis of Hydraulic System)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  8.1 液壓系統分類與分析步驟(Classification and Analysis Step of Hydraulic System)
  8.2 組合機床動力滑台液壓系統(Hydraulic System of Power Slipway for Combine Machine Tool)
  8.3 塑料注射成型機液壓系統(Hydraulic System of Plastic Injection Molding Machine)
  8.4 液壓壓力機液壓系統(Hydraulic System of Press Machine)
  8.5 汽車起重機液壓系統(Hydraulic System of Truck Crane)
  8.6 M1432A型萬能外圓磨床液壓系統(Hydraulic System of M1432A Type Universal Cylindrical Grinder)
第9章 液壓系統的設計計算(Design of Hydraulic Transmission System)
  學習指南(Study Guide)

  9.1 概述(Outline)
  9.2 液壓系統的設計步驟(The Approach for Design of Hydraulic System)
    9.2.1 液壓系統的設計要求與工況分析(Determination of Design Requirements and Analysis of
    Working Conditions)
    9.2.2 執行元件主要參數的確定(Determination of Main Parameters of the Actuator)
    9.2.3 擬定液壓系統原理圖(Determination of Hydraulic System Diagram)
    9.2.4 液壓元件的計算和選擇(Calculation and Selection of Hydraulic Components)
    9.2.5 液壓系統的性能驗算(Performance Check for a Hydraulic System Designed)
    9.2.6 繪製液壓系統工作圖和編寫技術文件(Drawing of Working Diagrams and Technical Documents)
  9.3 液壓系統設計計算舉例(A Design Example of Hydraulic System)
    9.3.1 明確系統設計要求(Determination of Design Requirements)
    9.3.2 分析系統工況(Analysis of Working Conditions)
    9.3.3 確定執行元件的主要參數(Determination of Main Parameters of the Actuator)
    9.3.4 擬定液壓系統原理圖(Determination of Hydraulic System Diagram)
    9.3.5 選擇液壓元件(Selection of Hydraulic Components)
    9.3.6 液壓系統性能驗算(Performance Check for Hydraulic System)
第10章 現代液壓控制技術(Modern Hydraulic Control Technology)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  10.1 概述(Outline)
  10.2 電液伺服控制(Electro Hydraulic Servo Control )
    10.2.1 電液伺服閥(Electro Hydraulic Servo Valves)
    10.2.2 電液伺服控制系統(Electro Hydraulic Servo Control System)
    10.2.3 電液伺服系統應用舉例(Example of Electro Hydraulic Servo Control System)
  10.3 電液比例控制(Electro Hydraulic Proportional Control)
    10.3.1 電液比例閥(Electro Hydraulic Proportional Valves)
    10.3.2 電液比例控制系統(Electro Hydraulic Proportional Control System)
    10.3.3 電液比例系統應用舉例(Example of Electro Hydraulic Proportional Control System)
  10.4 電腦 液壓控制技術簡介(Brief Introduction of Computer Hydraulic Control Technology)
第11章 氣壓傳動基礎知識(Basic Knowledge of Pneumatic Transmission)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  11.1 氣壓傳動概述(Pneumatic Transmission Outline)
  11.2 空氣的物理性質(Physical Properties of The Air)
    11.2.1 空氣的組成(Composition of the Air)
    11.2.2 空氣的密度與黏度(Density and Viscosity of the Air)
    11.2.3 空氣的壓縮性與膨脹性(Compression and Expansion of the Air)
    11.2.4 空氣的濕度(Humidity of the Air)
  11.3 理想氣體狀態方程(State Equation of Ideal Gas)
    11.3.1 理想氣體的狀態方程(State Equation of Ideal Gas)
    11.3.2 其他狀態變化過程(Other State Change Process of Ideal Gas)
  11.4 氣體的流動規律(Law of Gas Flow)
    11.4.1 氣體流動基本方程(General Equation of Gas Flow)
    11.4.2 聲速與馬赫數(Sound Velocity and Maher Number)
    11.4.3 氣體在變截面管道中的流動特性(Flow Characteritics in Variable Cross Section
Pipeline of Gas)
    11.4.4 氣體元件的流通能力(Flow Capacity of the Pneumatie Components)

第12章 氣源裝置與氣動元件(Air Supply Device and Pneumatic Components)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  12.1 氣源裝置(Air Supply Device)
    12.1.1 氣壓發生裝置(Air Pressure Generating Device)
    12.1.2 壓縮空氣的凈化裝置(Compressed Air Purifying Device)
    12.1.3 管道系統(Pipeline System)
  12.2 氣動輔助元件(Pneumatic Auxiliary Components)
    12.2.1 分水濾氣器(Air Filter)
    12.2.2 油霧器(Oil Mist Lubrication)
    12.2.3 消聲器(Muffler)
  12.3 氣動控制元件(Pneumatic Control Components)
    12.3.1 壓力控制閥(Pressure Control Valve)
    12.3.2 流量控制閥(Flow Control Valve)
    12.3.3 方向控制閥(Direction Control Valve)
  12.4 氣動執行元件( Pneumatic Actuator)
    12.4.1 氣缸(Pneumatic Cylinder)
    12.4.2 氣馬達(Air Motor)
第13章 氣動基本迴路與應用實例分析(Analysis of the Basic Pneumatic Circuit and
  Application Examples)
  學習指南(Study Guide)
  13.1 氣動基本迴路(Basic Pneumatic Circuit)
    13.1.1 壓力控制迴路(Pressure Control Circuit)
    13.1.2 換向迴路(Direction Control Circuit)
    13.1.3 速度控制迴路(Speed Control Circuit)
    13.1.4 位置控制迴路(Position Control Circuit)
  13.2 氣動常用迴路(Pneumatic Common Circuit)
    13.2.1 安全保護迴路(Safety Protection Circuit)
    13.2.2 同步迴路(Synchronous Circuit)
    13.2.3 往複動作迴路(Reciprocating Action Circuit)
    13.2.4 振蕩迴路(Oscillating Circuit)
    13.2.5 計數迴路(Counting Circuit)
  13.3 氣動系統實例分析(Example Analysis of Pneumatic Transmission System)
    13.3.1 廊門自動開閉系統(Automatic Opening and Closing System of Door)
    13.3.2 氣動機械手(Pneumatic Manipulator)
    13.3.3 組合機床動力滑台控制系統(Control System of Power Sliding Table in Combination Machine Tool)
附錄 液壓及氣動常用圖形符號(摘自GB/T 786.1 -2009)

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