幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(美)拉奧
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510086342
  • 出版日期:2015/01/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:570
人民幣:RMB 98 元      售價:



Preface to the First Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
    1.1   Linear Models and Regression Analysis
    1.2   Plan of the Book
2  The Simple Linear Regression Model
    2.1   The Linear Model
    2.2   Least Squares Estimat.ion
    2.3   Direct Regression Method
    2.4   Properties of the Direct Regression Estimators
    2.5   Centered Model
    2.6   No Intercept Term Model
    2.7   Maximum Likelihood Estimation
    2.8   Testing of Hypotheses and Confidence Interval Estimation
    2.9   Analysis of Variance
    2.10  Goodness of Fit of Regression
    2.11  Reverse Regression Method
    2.12  Orthogonal Regression Method
    2.13  Reduced Major Axis Regression Method
    2.14  Least Absolute Deviation Regression Method
    2.15  Estimation of Parameters when X Is Stochastic
3  The Multiple Linear Regression Model and Its Extension
    3.1   The Linear Model
    3.2   The Principle of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
    3.3   Geometric Properties of OLS
    3.4   Best Linear Unbiased Estimation
      3.4.1   Basic Theorems
      3.4.2   Linear Estimators
      3.4.3   Mean Dispersion Error
    3.5   Estimation (Prediction) of the Error Term ε and σ2
    3.6   Classical Regression under Normal Errors
      3.6.1   The Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Principle
      3.6.2   Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Classical Normal Regression
    3.7   Consistency of Estimators
    3.8   Testing Linear Hypotheses
    3.9   Analysis of Variance
    3.10  Goodness of Fit
    3.11  Checking the Adequacy of Regression Analysis
      3.11.1  Univariate Regression
      3.11.2  Multiple Regression
      3.11.3  A Complex Example
      3.11.4  Graphical Presentation
    3.12  Linear Regression with Stochastic Regressors
      3.12.1  Regression and Multiple Correlation Coefficient
      3.12.2  Heterogenous Linear Estimation without Normality
      3.12.3  Heterogeneous Linear Estimation under Normality
    3.13  The Canonical Form
    3.14  Identification and Quantification of Multicollinearity
      3.14.1  Principal Components Regression

      3.14.2  Ridge Estimation
      3.14.3  Shrinkage Estimates
      3.14.4  Partial Least Squares
    3.15  Tests of Parameter Constancy
      3.15.1  The Chow Forecast Test
      3.15.2  The Hansen Test
      3.15.3  Tests with Recursive Estimation
      3.15.4  Test for Structural Change
       3.16  Total Least Squares
    3.17  Minimax Estimation
      3.17.1  Inequality Restrictions

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