Preface to the fifth edition
Definitions and examples
1.1 Definitions
1.2 Examples
1.3 Variations on a theme
1.4 Three puzztes
Paths and cycles
2.1 Connectivity
2.2 Euterian graphs and digraphs
2.3 Hamil.tonian graphs and digraphs
2.4 Apptications
3.1 Properties of trees
3.2 Counting trees
3.3 More appLications
4..I PLanar graphs
4.2 Euter's formula
4,.3 Dual graphs
4.4 Graphs on other surfaces
Cotouring graphs
5.1 Co[ouring vertices
5.2 Chromatic polynomials
5.3 Colouring maps
5.4 The four-co[our theorem
5.5 Col.ouring edges
6 Matching, marriage and Menger's theorem
6.1 Hall's 'marriage' theorem
6.2 Menger's theorem
6.3 Network flows
7.1 Introduction to matroids
7.2 Examples of matroids
7.3 Matroids and graphs
Appendix I: Algorithms
Appendix 2: Table of numbers
List of symbols
Solutions to selected exercises
Go forth, my little book! pursue thy way!
Go forth, and please the gentle and the good.
Witl, iam Wordsworth