幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:裘姬新//王海表
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308142809
  • 出版日期:2014/12/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:194
人民幣:RMB 32 元      售價:



Predeparture Planning
II.General Overview
III.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Celebrating J-Day:Lifeguard Olympics
Passage 2 U.S.Green Cards
Passage 3 Educating the Next Steve Jobs
IV.Typical Words and Expressions
V.Questions for Discussion
Understanding the United States
II.General Overview
III.Related Information
IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Major Cities in the East and West
Passage 2 Windy City--Chicago
Passage 3 The History of Chinese Americans
V.Typical Words and Expressions
VI.Questions for Discussion
Economy of the United States
II.General Overview
III.Related Information
IV.Economic Terms
Reading Practice
Passage 1 Banks and Securities
Passage 2 JefrBezos
Passage 3 Money Matters
VI.Typical Words and Expressions
VII.Questions for Discussion
Higher Education in the United States
II.General Overview
111.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Cornell University
Passage 2 Commencement Speech at Stanford Given
by Steve Jobs(Excerl)ts)
Passage 3 Your 5 Steps to U.S.Study
IV.Typical Words and Expressions
V Questions for Discussion
American Legal System
II.Overview ofAmerican Legal System
III.Related Information
IV.Reading Practice
Passage l Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
Passage 2 O.J.Simpson Murder Case
Passage 3 How to Replace a Lost or Stolen Social Security Card
V Typical Words and Expressions
VI.Questions for Discussion

Religion in the United States
II.General Overview
III.Religious Culture
IV.Religious Terms
V.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Christianity
Passage 2 HowAmericans View God--
Passage 3 Suggestions Related to Religions for
Foreign Visitors
VI.Typical Words and Expressions
VII.Questions for Discussion
Presidential Election System in the United States
II.General 0verview
III.Related Information-.-
IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 President Barack ObamaS Inaugural Address
Passage 2 A Guide To Politics In America-
Passage 3 White House Tours
V Typical Words and Expressions
VI.Questions for Discussion
The American Character
II.Overview ofthe American Character
III.Reading Practice
Passage 1 Understanding American English
Passage 2 What Is an American
Passage 3 What Is the American Dream
IV.Typical Words and Expressions
V.Questions for Discussion
Sports and Recreation in the United States
II.Overview of Sports and Leisure Activities
III.Related Information
IV.Reading Practice
Passage 1 National Basketball Association
Passage 2 Walt Disney—A Look at the Man Behind Mickey Mouse
Passage 3 The Importance of Hobbies For Stress Relief
V.Typical Words and Expressions
VI.Questions for Discussion
Holidays and Festivals in the United States
II.Varieties OfAmerican Holidays and Festivals
III.Related Infornlation
IV.Reading Practice
Passage l Merry Christmas
Passage 2 Thanksgiving Day in America
Passage 3 ObamaS Weekly Address
V Typical Words and Expressions

VI.Questions for Discussion
Beginning the U.S.Education
II.General Overview
III.Related Information
IV.Glossary ofTerms
V.Reading Practice
Passage 1Ways to Make Friends at College
Passage 2 Tips for Conquering Your College Freshmen Fears
Passage 3 Dealing withCulture Shock
VI.Typical Words and Expressions
VII.Questions for Discussion
Learning about American Culture
II.General Overview
III.Related Information
IV.Reading Practice
Passage l Norms:Folkways,Mores,and Taboos
Passage 2 AmericansCommunication Style
Passage 3 Five famous Symbols ofAmerican Culture
V Typical Words and Expressions
VI.Questions for Discussion

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