幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:(丹)佩西克
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510078576
  • 出版日期:2014/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:569
人民幣:RMB 129 元      售價:



1  Introduction
  1.1  Bose-Einstein condensation in atomic clouds
  1.2  Superfiuid 4He
  1.3  Other condensates
  1.4  Overview
2  The non-interacting Bose gas
  2.1  The Bose distribution
    2.1.1  Density of states
  2.2  Transition temperature and condensate fraction
    2.2.1  Condensate fraction
  2.3  Density profile and velocity distribution
    2.3.1  The semi-classical distribution
  2.4  Thermodynamic quantities
    2.4.1  Condensed phase
    2.4.2  Normal phase
    2.4.3  Specific heat close to Tc
  2.5  Effect of finite particle number
3  Atomic properties
  3.1  Atomic structure
  3.2  The Zeeman effect
  3.3  Response to an electric field
  3.4  Energy scales
4  Trapping and cooling of atoms
  4.1  Magnetic traps
    4.1.1  The quadrupole trap
    4.1.2  The TOP trap
    4.1.3  Magnetic bottles and the Ioffe-Pritchard trap
    4.1.4  Microtraps
  4.2  Influence of laser light on an atom
    4.2.1  Forces on an atom in a laser field
    4.2.2  Opticaltraps
  4.3  Laser cooling: the Doppler process
  4.4  The magneto-optical trap
  4.5  Sisyphus cooling
  4.6  Evaporative cooling
  4.7  Spin-polarized hydrogen
5  Interactions between atoms
  5.1  Interatomic potentials and the van der Waals interaction
  5.2  Basic scattering theory
    5.2.1  Effective interactions and the scattering length
  5.3  Scattering length for a model potential

  5.4  Scattering between different internal states
    5.4.1  Inelastic processes
    5.4.2  Elastic scattering and Feshbach resonances
  5.5  Determination of scattering lengths
    5.5.1  Scattering lengths for alkali atoms and hydrogen
6  Theory of the condensed state
  6.1  The Gross-Pitaevskii equation
  6.2  The ground state for trapped bosons
    6.2.1  A variational calculation
    6.2.2  The Thomas-Fermi approximation
  6.3  Surface structure of clouds
  6.4  Healing of the condensate wave function
7  Dynamics of the condensate
8  Microscopic theory of the Bose gas
9  Rotating condensates
10  Superfluidity
11  Trapped clouds at non-zero temperature
12  Mixtures and spinor condensates
13  Interference and correlations
14  0ptical lattices
15  Lower dimensions
16  Fermions
17  From atoms to molecules

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