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  • 作者:(紐西蘭)卡邁克爾
  • 出版社:世界圖書出版公司
  • ISBN:9787510078613
  • 出版日期:2014/09/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:540
人民幣:RMB 99 元      售價:



9  The Degenerate Parametric Oscillator Ⅰ: Squeezed States
  9.1  Introduction
  9.2  Degenerate Parametric Amplification and Squeezed States
    9.2.1  Degenerate Parametric Amplification Without Pump Depletion
    9.2.2  Quantum Fluctuations and Squeezed States
    9.2.3  The Degenerate Parametric Oscjllator
    9.2.4  Master Equation for the Degenerate Parametric Oscillator
    9.2.5  Cavity Output Fields
  9.3  The Spectrum of Squeezing
    9.3.1  Intracavity Field Fluctuations
    9.3.2  Defirution of the Spectrum of Squeezing
    9.3.3  Homodyne Detection: The Source-Field Spectrum of Squeezing
    9.3.4  The Source-Field Spectrum of Squeezing with Unit Efficiency
    9.3.5  Free-Field Coritributions
    9.3.6  Vacuum Fluctuations
    9.3.7  Squeezing in the Wigner Representation: A Comment on Interpretation
10  The Degenerate Parametric Oscillator Ⅱ: Phase-Space Analysis in the Small-Noise Limit
  10.1  Phase-Space Formalism for the Degenerate Parametric Oscillator
    10.1.1  Phase-Space Equation of Motion in the P Representation
    10.1.2  Phase-Space Equations of Motion in the Q and Wigner R,epresentations
  10.2  Squeezing: Quantum Fluctuations in the Small-Noise Limit
11  The Positive P Representation
12  The Degenerate Parametric Oscillator Ⅲ: Phase-Space Analysis Outside the Small-Noise Limit .
13  Cavity QED I: Simple Calculations
14  Many Atoms in a Cavity Ⅰ: Macroscopic Theory
15  Many Atoms in a Cavity Ⅱ: Quantum Fluctuations in the Small-Noise Limit
16  Cavity QED II: Quantum Fluctuations
17  Quantum Trajectories Ⅰ: Background and Interpretation
18  Quantum Tajectories Ⅱ: The Degenerate Parametric Oscillator
19  Quantum Trajectories Ⅲ: More Examples

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