幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:鍾南山
  • 出版社:人民軍醫
  • ISBN:9787509177686
  • 出版日期:2014/10/01
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • 頁數:456
人民幣:RMB 248 元      售價:


    鍾南山,廣州醫科大學呼吸內科教授,博士生導師,973 首席科學家,中國工程院院士中華醫學會前會長、顧問,首屆「港大百周年傑出學者」。現任新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎疫情聯防聯控工作機制科研攻關專家組長,國家衛生健康委員會專家組組長,國家呼吸系統疾病臨床醫學研究中心主任,愛丁堡大學榮譽教授,伯明翰大學科學博士(Doctor of Science),英國皇家內科學會不錯會員。鍾南山院士是我國支氣管哮喘、慢性咳嗽、COPD(慢性阻塞性肺疾病)、 重大呼吸道傳染性疾病(如SARS、H1N1、H5N6、H7N9、M ERS等)防治的,先後主持國家973、863、「十五」「十一五」「十二五」 科技攻關、國家自然科學基金重大項目、WHO(世界衛生組織)/GOLD(慢性阻塞性肺疾病優選倡議)委員會優選協作課題等重大課題十余項。在靠前學術期刊上發表SCI論文200余篇,其中包括New England Journal of Medicine、 Nature Medicine、The Lancet、American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine、Chest等呼吸疾病研究領域靠前非常不錯刊物,總引用次數近千次;在中華醫學會等機構主辦的重量雜誌上發表論文400余篇;出版各類專著《支氣管哮喘——基礎與臨床》《內科學》 《呼吸病學》等20余部;獲得發明60余項,實用新型30余項。先後獲得包括國家科技進步二等獎、教育部科學技術進步獎一等獎、廣東省科技進步一等獎等重量、省部級科技獎等獎勵20余項;獲得全國白求恩獎章(2004)、南粵功勛獎(2011)、吳階平醫學獎(2011)、光華工程科技成就獎(2016)、全國高校黃大年式教師團隊獎(2017)、改革先鋒獎章(獲評「公共衛生事件應急體系建設的重要推動者」)等榮譽獎勵數十項。

第一部分  奮鬥歷程
第二部分  學術貢獻
  Treatment with Convalescent Plasma for Influenza A(H5N1)Infection
  Effect of Carbocisteine on Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
  Disease(PEACE Study):A Randomised Placebo—controlled Study
  Carbocisteine for Acute Exacerbations of COPD
  Using siRNA in Prophylactic and Therapeutic Regimens against SARS Coronavirus in
  Rhesus Macaque
  What We Have Learnt from SARS Epidemics in China
  Community Based Integrated Intervention for Prevention and Management of
  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD)in Guangdong,China:Cluster
  Randomised Controlled Trial
  Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in China——A Large,
  Population——based Survey
  Prevalence of Asthma among Chinese Adolescents Living in Canada and in China
  Bronchial Hyperresponsiveness in Young Students of Southern China:Relation to
  Respiratory Symptoms.Diagnosed Asthma.and Risk Factors
  Why Did Outbreaks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Occur in Some Hospital
  Wards but Not in Others?
  Efficiency of Neural Drive during Exercise in Patients with COPD and Healthy
  The Efficacy and Safety of Combination Salmeterol(50μg)/Fluticasone Propionate
  (500gg)Inhalation Twice Daily Via Accuhaler in Chinese Patients With COPD
  Detection of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus in the Brain:Potential
  Role of the Chemokine Mig in Pathogenesis
  A Multicentre Study Assessing the Prevalence of Sensitizations in Patients with
  Asthma and/or Rhinitis in China
  Distinguishing Obstructive From Central Sleep Apnea Events.
  Diaphragm Electromyogram and Esophageal Pressure Compared
  Chinese Response to Allergy and Asthma in Olympic Athletes
  Biomass Fuels are the Probable Risk Factor for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
  Disease in Rural South China
  Absence of Relationships Between Tuberculin Responses and Development of
  Adult Asthma With Rhinitis and Atopy
  A Prospective, Multicenter Survey on Causes of Chronic Cough in China
  Neural Respiratory Drive during Apnoeic Events in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
  Influence of Degree of Specific Allergic Sensitivity on Severity of Rhinitis and
  Asthma in Chinese Allergic Patients
  A Double blind, Placebo-controlled Study of House Dust Mite Immunotherapy
  in Chinese Asthmatic Patients
  Antitumor Effect of Malaria Parasite Infection in a Murine Lewis Lung Cancer
  Model through Induction of Innate and Adaptive Immunity
  Detection of Mouse Cough Based on Sound Monitoring and Respiratory Airflow
  Does Unrestrained Single-chamber Plethysmography Provide a Valid Assessment of
  Airway Responsiveness in Allergic BALB/c Mice?
  Ag85B DNA Vaccine Suppresses Airway Inflammation in a Murine Model of Asthma

  Infrared Thermal Imaging as a Novel Evaluation Method for Deep Vein
  Thrombosis in Lower IAmbs
  Non-smoking-related Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. A Neglected Entity?
  Efficacy and Safety of Budesonide/Formoterol Via a Dry Powder Inhaler in Chinese
  Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  Measurement of Nasal Airway Resistance and Response in Mice
  Inhibitory Effect of Emodin on Bleomycin-induced Pulmonary Fibrosis in Mice
  Establishment and Characterization of a New Drug Surviving Cell Line Aml010,
  Derived Directly from Muscle Metastases of a Human Lung Adenocarcinoma
  Patient with Multi-drug-resistance to Cisplatin, Taxol, and Gefitinib
  COPD in Chinese nonsmokers
第三部分  治學之道
第四部分    社會影響
  重獎鍾南山  獎醫技更獎良知

  鍾南山:醫者風骨  議政勇士
第五部分  人生風采

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