幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:黃建濱
  • 出版社:浙江大學
  • ISBN:9787308138284
  • 出版日期:2014/10/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:213
人民幣:RMB 26 元      售價:



1. Confucius
2. Mencius
3. Li Dazhao
4. Ba Jin
5. Dr. Norman Bethune
6. Lei Feng
7. Yuanmingyuan Park
8. The Han Dynasty
9. Compass
10. Chinese Knot
11. Chinese Couplet
12. Children's Day
13. The Dragon Boat Festival
14. CCTV New Year's Gala
15. Sichuan Cuisine
16. Goubuli Baozi
17. A Brief Introduction to Kunqu
18. The Art of Embroidery
19. Lanterns
20. The Erhu
21. The Giant Buddha
22. Mount Emei
23. Big Wild Goose Pagoda
24. A Brief Introduction to Guilin
25. The Elephant Trunk Hill
26. The West Mountain Park
27. The Rongshan Lake
28. Chuanshan Park
29. The Water Splashing Festival
30. Climbing a Tree to Catch Fish
31. Ineffectual Help
32. Making a Hole in the Wall to Let Light In
33. Kua Fu Chased the Sun
34. A Liar
35. The Light of a Candle
36. Making an Official Dress
37. Taking Fish Soup
38. A False Alarm
39. Looking at Someone with New Eyes
40. Gulping Down a Whole Date
41. Uphold Justice at the Cost of One's Blood Relation
42. Keeping the Promise
43. Ignorance of the Objective World
44. Proficiency in a Particular Line
45. Ru Mu San Fen
46. The White Snake
47. The Bird Jingwei Is Trying to Fill the Sea
48. Weak in Human Affairs
49. A Craftsman and His Son
50. A Race between the Hare and the Frog

Key to the Exercises

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