前言/Preface 包豪斯的真相/The Truth about Bauhaus 起源:思想的沿革/Origin:The Change of Thought 包豪斯之變/The Transformation of Bau haus 雄心:包豪斯1919/Ambition:Bauhaus 1919 三任校長三次詰問/Three Headmasters,Three Blames 創見:教學體系/Creation:Education System 展覽與公共形象/.Exhibition and Public Image 包豪斯群像/Group Introduction of Bauhaus 包豪斯在美國/Bauhaus in the America 大西洋對岸的那片「新大陸」/The」New Land」on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean 包豪斯進入美國/Bauhaus entering in the America 那些新式的樓和房子/The Building and House of New Style 設計和純藝術的探險/The Exploration of Design and Fine Art 結語/Conclusion 烏爾姆的繼承和批判/The Inheritance and Criticism of UIm 戰後西德的設計語境/The Design Environment of West Germany after the War 烏爾姆的誕生/The Birth of Ulm 烏爾姆和包豪斯/UIm and Bauhaus 模式:科技融合設計,Mode:Combination of Technology and Design 結局和意義/Conclusion and Meaning 包豪斯在東德/Bauhaus in East Germany 包豪斯在東德的發展概況/The Development of Bauhaus in East Germany 718聯合廠/718 Joint Factory 包豪斯在日本的概況/The General Situation of Bauhaus in Japan 日本人來了又走了/The Come and Go of the Japanese 包豪斯和日本設計基礎教育及其流布/Bauhaus and Japanese Basic Education of Design and its Spread 柳宗理/Sori Yanagi 20世紀20年代至30年代:中國與包豪斯初晤/ From 1920s to 1930s:First Meeting of China and Bauhaus 20世紀40年代至60年代:包豪斯在中國的曲折進程/ From 1940s to 1960s:The Tortuous Process of Bauhaus in China 20世紀70年代至80年代:包豪斯在中國的誤讀與變體/ From 1970s to 1980s:The Misunderstanding and Transformation of Bauhaus in China 中國對包豪斯的揚棄/The Inheritance and Criticism of Bauhaus in China 包豪斯在台灣、香港/Bauhaus in Taiwan and Hongkong 參考文獻/References 後記/Postscript