幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:馬玉玲//蘇桂梅
  • 出版社:北京交通大學
  • ISBN:9787512119925
  • 出版日期:2014/08/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:291
人民幣:RMB 34 元      售價:



Unit 1  一般現在時The Simple Present Tense
Unit 2  一般過去時The Simple Past Tense
Unit 3  現在進行時The Present Continuous Tense
Unit 4  過去進行時The Past Continuous Tense
Unit 5  一般將來時The Simple Future Tense
Unit 6  過去將來時The Past Future Tense
Unit 7  現在完成時The Present Perfect Tense
Unit 8  過去完成時The Past Perfect Tense
Unit 9  現在完成進行時The Present Perfect Progressive Tense
Unit 10  過去完成進行時The Past Perfect Progressive Tense
Unit 11  將來進行時The Future Continuous Tense
Unit 12  將來完成時The Future Perfect Tense
Unit 13  被動語態The Passive Voice
Unit 14  直接引語和間接引語The Direct Speech and the Indirect Speech
Unit 15  賓語從句The Object Clause
Unit 16  時間狀語從句TheAdverbial Clause of Time
Unit 17  地點狀語從句The Adverbial Clause of Place
Unit 18  條件狀語從句The Adverbial Clause of Condition
Unit 19  目的狀語從句The Adverbial Clause of Purpose
Unit 20  結果狀語從句The Adverbial Clause of Result
Unit 21  原因狀語從句The Adverbial Clause of Reason
Unit 22  讓步狀語從句The Adverbial Clause of Concession
Unit 23  方式狀語從句The Adverbial Clause of Manner
Unit 24  主謂一致Subject-Verb Agreement
Unit 25  主語從句The Subject Clause
Unit 26  表語從句The Predicative Clause
Unit 27  同位語從句The Appositive Clause
Unit 28  定語從句The Attributive Clause
Unit 29  it的用法The Usage of It
Unit 30  動詞不定式The Infinitive
Unit 31  動名詞The Gerund
Unit 32  分詞The Participle
Unit 33  獨立主格結構The Absolute Structure
Unit 34  倒裝句The Inversion
Unit 35  強調句The Emphatic Sentences
Unit 36  省略句The Elliptical Sentences
Unit 37  虛擬語氣The Subjunctive Mood

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