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  • 作者:王洗薇//趙雨華|主編:劉傑英
  • 出版社:大連理工大學
  • ISBN:9787561186961
  • 出版日期:2014/07/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:170
人民幣:RMB 28 元      售價:



Unit 1 Western Cultures
  Reading Skill Focus
    Context Clues(1)
    A:Guided Practice
    B:Let』S Try
  Comprehensive Reading
    Text A:American Culture
    Text B:How to Adapt to British Culture?
  Practical Reading
    Invitation Letter
Unit 2 Making Introductions
  Reading Skill Focus
    Context Clues(2)
    A:Guided Practice
    B:Let』s Try
  Comprehensive Reading
    Text A:Introductions,Greetings and Titles in Business
    Text B:Making Introductions Correctly
  Practical Reading
    Business Card
Unit 3 Telephone Etiquette
  Reading Skill Focus
    Context Clues(3)
    A:Guided Practice
    B:Let』S Try
  ComprehensiVe Reading
    Text A:Tips for Getting People to Slow Down
    TextB:Phone EtiquetteTips
  Practical Reading
    Contact Information
Unit 4 Business Entertainment
  Reading Skill Focus.
    Context Clues(4)
    A:Guided Practice
    B:Let』S Try
  Comptehensive Reading
    Text A:Entertainment and GifiGiving in Business
    Text B:Canal Museum—An Ideal Place for Business Receptions
  Practical Reading
Unit 5 Business Invitations
  Reading Skill Focus
    Finding the Main Idea(1)
    A:Guided Practice
  ComprehensiVe Reading
    Text A:Business Invitations
    Text B:Customs on Invitations in Britain
  Practical Reading
    Business Invitations

Test One
Unit 6 Dining Culture
  Reading Skill Focus
   Finding the Main Idea(2)
    A:Guided Practice
    B:Let』S Try
  Comprehensive Reading
    Text A:HOW Americans Eat and Drink
    Text B:Table Manner Tips
  Practical Reading
Unit 7 Etiquette
  Reading Skill Focus
    Finding the Main Idea(3)
    A:Guided Practice
  Comprehensive Reading
    Text A:Body Language Speaks Louder Than Words
    Text B:Gracious Manners Make You Charming
   Practical Reading
Unit 8 Communication Skills
  Reading Skill Focus
    A:Guided Practice
    B:Let』S Try
  Comprehensive Reading
    TextA:Various Styles ofnCommunication
    Text B:Listening Skills
   Practical Reading
Unit 9 Intercultural Communication
  Reading Skill Focus
    Patterns ofParagraphDevelopment(2)
    A:Guided Practice
    B:Let』S Try
  Comprehensive Reading
    Text A:InterculturalnCommunication Tips
    Text B:Cross—cultural Negotiation
  Practical Reading.
Unit 10 Being a Smart Customer
  Reading Skill Focus
    Pattems ofParagraph Development(3)
    A:Guided Practice
    B:Let』S Try
  Comprehensive Reading
    TextA:Tipsfor Spending Your Money Wisely
    TextB:How to be a Smart Customer
  Practical Reading

    Online Catalogue
Test Two

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