幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:趙莉
  • 出版社:上海交大
  • ISBN:9787313110909
  • 出版日期:2014/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:297
人民幣:RMB 38 元      售價:



Chapter 1  Introduction
   1.1  Definition of Code-switching
   1.2  Research Topic, Questions and Aims
   1.3  Research P, ationale
     1.3.1  Interpersonal Meaning Construction via CS  
     1.3.2  A Socio-cognitive Perspective
   1.4  Scope and Structure of the Book
Chapter 2  Literature Review of Code-switching
   2.1  Sociolinguistic Studies on Code-switching
      2.1.1  Gumperz's Tradition of CS Studies
      2.1.2  Myers-Scotton's Seminal Work on CS
      2.1.3  Conversation Analytic Approaches to Code-switching
   2.2  Grammatical Treatment of Code-switching
      2.2.1  Poplack et al's work on CS
      2.2.2  MacSwan et al's Studies of CS
      2.2.3  The Matrix Language Frame Model
   2.3  Psycholinguistic Explorations of Code-switching
      2.3.1  Giles' Speech Accommodation Theory
      2.3.2  Grosjean's Guest Word Recognization Model
   2.4  Summary
Chapter 3  A Socio-cognitive Framework of Code-switching
   3.1  Theoretical Foundations for the Forthcoming Model
      3.1.1  Vygotskian Social Constructionism
      3.1.2  The "Encyclopaedic" View of Meaning
      3.1.3  Bandura's Reciprocal Determinism
   3.2  Theoretical Elements to be Integrated into the Model
      3.2.1  The MC/EC Distinction
      3.2.2  Profiling
      3.2.3  Context
   3.3  A Suggested Model of IMC via CS
      3.3.1  Hypothesis of IMC via CS
      3.3.2  Three Stages of IMC via CS
      3.3.3  Three Principles in IMC of Code-switching  
   3.4  A Specific Illustration for the Model
   3.5  A Classification of CS' Interpersonal Functions  
   3.6  Summary
Chapter 4  Stance Positioning via Code-switching
  4.1  Introduction
  4.2  Adopting Epistemic Stance via CS
     4.2.1  Concealing Taboo topics via CS
     4.2.2  Commitment Displaying via CS
     4.2.3  Distancing via CS
     4.2.4  Disaligning with the addressee via CS
  4.3  Positioning Affective Stance via CS
     4.3.1  Positive Stance Profiling via CS
     4.3.2  Negative Stance Profiling via CS
  4.4  Summary
Chapter 5  Relationship Scaling via Code-switching
   5.1  Introduction
   5.2  Distance Scaling via CS

     5.2.1  Closeness-Profiling via CS
     5.2.2  Remoteness-Profiling via CS
   5.3  Status Scaling via CS
      5.3.1  Power Profiling via CS
      5.3.2  Solidarity Profiling via CS
   5.4  Summary
Chapter 6  Identity Negotiating via Code-switching
   6.1  Introduction
   6.2  Identity Profiling via CS
      6.2.1  Ethnic Identity Profiling via CS
      6.2.2  Political Identity Profiling via CS
      6.2.3  Occupational Identity Profiling via CS  ""
      6.2.4  Relational Identity Profiling via CS
   6.3  Identity Fusing via CS
      6.3.1  Identity Integrating via CS
      6.3.2  Identity Mismatching via CS
      6.3.3  Identity Shifting via CS
   6.4  Summary
Chapter 7  Conclusions
   7.1  Major Points of the Present Research
    7.2  The Implications of the Present Research
    7.3  Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research

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