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  • 作者:(美)羅伯特·K.謝爾克|主編:黃洋//高峰楓
  • 出版社:北京大學
  • ISBN:9787301241653
  • 出版日期:2014/06/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:181
人民幣:RMB 30 元      售價:


    羅伯特·K.謝爾克(Robert.Sherk,1920—2012),生前為布法羅紐約州立大學古代史教授,以對古希臘和羅馬的碑銘研究享譽於世,在本套史料集之外,其代表作Roman Documents from the Greek East(1969)是這一領域的經典。

導  讀  黃洋
1 Roman mercenary commander of the Ptolemaic garrison on Crete
2 Treaty between Rome and the Aetolian League
3 M.Aemilius Lepidus and his alleged guardianship of the Boy King Ptolemaios V Epiphanes
4 Letter of T.Quinctius Flamininus to Chyretiai
5 Lampsakos honors its citizen Hegesias
6 Statues and other honors for T.Quinctius Flamininus in the East
7 King Eumenes of Pergamum and the war against King Nabis
8 Letter of the praetor M.Valerius Messalla to the city of Teos
9 The Delians honor P.Cornelius Seipio Mricanus
10 Delos seeks to renew friendship with Rome
11 Troops of the Achaean League aid the Romans against the Gauls
12 Letter of Manius Acilius Glabrio to the Delphians
13 Participation of the Achaeans in the battle of Magnesia
14 Letter of L.Cornelius Scipio and his brother to Herakleia in Karia
15 Two letters from the praetor Spurius Postumius and a decree of the senate
16 Letter of a consul(C.Livius Salinator?)to the Delphians
17 Decree of Elateia honoring the Stymphalians
18  The Lycian League and its celebration of the festival of the goddess Roma
19  Letter to the Delphian Amphictiones about King Perseus
20  Decree of the senate concerning Koroneia
21  Two decrees of the senate on affairs at Thisbai
22  Argos honors Gnaeus Octavius
23  An Athenian with the Roman army at the battle of Pydna
24  Statue of L. Aemilius Panllus placed on a pillar erected previously for King Perseus
25  Treaty between Rome and Kibyra
26  Envoys from Teos to Rome oppose the encroachment of King Kotys on the territory of Abdera
27  Romans admitted to the Samothracian Mysteries
28  Decree of the senate concerning the Sarapieion at Delos
29  A letter of King Attalus II or Pergamum to the priest in Pessinus
30  Treaty between King Pharnakes I of Pontos and the city of Chersonesos
31  Testament of Ptolemaios VIII Euergetes II,leaving his kingdom of Cyrene to the Romans
32  Decree of the senate concerning Ariarathes and the city of Priene
33  Treaty between Rome and Methymna
34  A letter of the praetor Marcus Aemilius and a decree of the senate concerning Magnesia and Priene
35  Destruction of Corinth and new Roman regulations for Greece
36  The builder of the Via Egnatia in Macedonia
37  Conclusion of a letter by a Roman magistrate to the Dionysiac Artists
38  Decree of the senate concerning Narthakion and Melitaia
39  Decree of Pergamum on citizenship after the death of Attalus III
40  Decree of the senate concerning the death of King Attalus III
41  The cult of the goddess Roma in Miletus
42  Manius Aquillius constructs the first Roman roads in Asia
43  The city of Bargylia supplies troops in the war against Aristonicus

44  Decree of Pergamum to celebrate its friendship and alliance with Rome
45  Decree of the senate concerning Pergamene land
46  Samos honors Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus
47  Roman negotiatores (businessmen) in the Greek East
48  Lete honors M. Annius, quaestor
49  Decree of the senate concerning Phrygia
50  Letter of Q. Fabius Maximus to the city of Dyme
51  Epidauros honors one of its prominent citizens
52  M. Minucius Rufus honored by Delphi
53  Decree of the senate and a treaty with Astypalaia
54  Marcus Antonius transports his fleet across the Isthmus of Corinth
55  Piracy law(s) from Delphi and Knidos
56  The rise of Mithridates and his war against the Romans
57  Letter of Q. Mucius Scaevola to Ephesus
58  The Organization of Peoples and Tribes in Asia
59  Exemption of sacred territory from the revenue contracts of the publicans
59a  Plarasa-Aphrodisias decides to aid the Romans against Mithridates
59b  Letter of Q. Oppius to Plarasa-Aphrodisias after the war against Mithridates
60  Chaeremon of Nysa, friend of the Romans, enemy of Mithridates
61  Ephesus declares war against Mithridates
62  Two letters of Sulla concerning the Dionysiac Artists
63  A letter of Sulla to Stratonikeia, followed by a second letter introducing a decree of the senate concerning that city
64  A letter of Cn. Cornelius Dolabella to Thasos
65  Decree of the Koinon of Asia
66  Decree of the senate concerning three Greek naval captains
67  P. Servilius Vatia in Cilicia and Isauria
68  Murder of publicans in Herakleia in Pontos
69  C. Sallnvius Naso honored for his actions against Mithridates
70  Oropos and the publicans
71  Roman naval actions during the Third Mithridatic War
72  Antonian law concerning Termessus Maior in Pisidia
73  Greek city of Mesambria in Thrace placed under a Roman officer
74  Roman businessmen, Roman officials and the debts of a Greek city
75  The Greek East honors Pompey the Great
76  Envoys from Tragurion in Dalmatia meet Julius Caesar in Aquileia
77  Letter of a Roman official to the conventus (judiciary centers) of the province of  Asia
78  The city of Dionysopolis, King Burebista,and the Romans
79  Statues of Julius Caesar dedicated in the Greek East after Pharsalus
80  Julius Caesar makes concessions to Pergamum
81  P. Servilius Isauricus restores to Pergamum its ancestral laws and its democracy
82  Envoy from the city of Chersonesos to Julius Caesar and the senate in Rome
83  A letter of Caesar with a copy of a decree of the senate concerning Mytilene
84  Greek cities honor Brutus the Tyrannicide
85  Letter of Marcus Antonius to the Koinon of Asia concerning the Association of Victorious Athletes
86  Letters of Octavian concerning Seleukos of Rhosos
87  Letter of Octavian to Plarasa-Aphrodisias concerning documents relevant to the city's status
88  Marcus Antonius gives foreign territory to Cleopatra,who commemorates the event by adopting a second era
89  Coinage of Antonius and Cleopatra
90  Worship of Isis by a Roman officer,his son and friends
91  Letter of Octavian to the city of Mylasa

92  Octavian dedicates his camp overlooking the promontory of Actium
93  Dedication of C. Cornelius Gallus,first Roman prefect of Egypt
94  Preparations in Egypt for a military expedition
95  Legal decision by Augustus and Agrippa, and a governor's letter to Kyme
96  An earthquake at Tralles in Asia,and help from Augustus
97  Two decrees of the senate and a treaty with Mytilene
98  M. Vipsanius Agrippa and Julia in the Greek East
99  Greek translation of funeral oration given by Augustus for Agrippa
100  Letter of Augustus to the Alexandrians and the proceedings of an embassy
101  A new calendar for the province of Asia in honor of Augustus
102  Five edicts of Augustus and a decree of the senate
103  Letter of Augustus to Knidos
104  Gaius, son of Augustus,is honored at Sardis
105  Oath of loyalty sworn in Paphlagonia to Augustus and his descendants
106  Roman legionaries guard the government grain during its transportation down the Nile to Alexandria
107  Restoration of sacred writings to the archives of Nysa
108 Letter of a governor of Asia concerning a point of law
109 Greek athletic contests named in honor of Augustus and his family
110 Early Roman organization of mines and quarries in Egypt
111 Minutes of an audience in Rome given by Augustus with his Advisory Board to envoys from Alexandria
112 Augustus sets up the final report of his accomplishments in the Greek East
術語表  1
Ⅰ  羅馬人名
Ⅱ  羅馬執政官
Ⅲ  希臘與羅馬紀年
Ⅰ  人名索引
Ⅱ  神名索引
Ⅲ  地名索引
Ⅳ  專有名詞索引
Ⅴ  選譯史料索引

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