幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:秦秀白//張鳳春
  • 出版社:上海外教
  • ISBN:9787544627139
  • 出版日期:2014/05/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:312
人民幣:RMB 48 元      售價:

    全書共分8個單元,每個單元都由「Get Started」、「Listen and Respond」、「Read and Explore」、「Optional Classroom Activities」、「Enhance Your Language Awareness」、「Enjoy English」這幾個欄目構成。


Unit 1  People Around Us
        Get Started
        Listen and Respond
        Read and Explore
            Text A Something for Stevie
            Text B The Cab Ride I'll Never Forget
        Optional Classroom Activities
        Enhance Your Language Awareness
        Enjoy English
Unit 2  Love
        Get Started
        Listen and Respond
        Read and Explore
            Text A How Deep Is Your Love?
            Text B Holding Honds
        Optional Classroom Activities
        Enhance Your Language Awareness
        Enjoy English
Unit 3  Friendship
        Get Started
        Listen and Respond
        Read and Explore
            Text A What Is Friendship?
            Text B After Twenty Years
        Optional Classroom Activities
        Enhance Your Language Awareness
        Enjoy English
Unit 4  Sports
        Get Started
        Listen and Respond
        Read and Explore
            Text A My Greotest Olympic Prize
            Text B Whet Mokes Olympic Chempions?
        Optional Classroom Activities
        Enhance Your Language Awareness
        Enjoy English
Practice Test I (Units 1-4)
Unit 5  Health
        Get Started
        Listen and Respond
        Read and Explore
            Text A Set Your Body's Time Clock to Work for You
            Text B A Whisper of AIDS
        Optional Classroom Activities
        Enhance Your Language Awareness
        Enjoy English
Unit 6  Happiness
        Get Started
        Listen and Respond
        Read and Explore

            Text A The Eighth Tuesdoy We Talk About Money
            Text B Meterial Things end Happiness
        Optional Classroom Activities
        Enhance Your Language Awareness
        Enjoy English
Unit 7  Education
        Get Started
        Listen and Respond
        Read and Explore
            Text A Another School Year: Why?
            Text B The Four Pillars of Education in the Twenty-First Century
        Optional Classroom Activities
        Enhance Your Language Awareness
        Enjoy English
Unit 8  Intercultural Communication
        Get Started
        Listen and Respond
        Read and Explore
            Text A Culture Shock
            Text B Rich Met My Mother
        Optional Classroom Activities
        Enhance Your Language Awareness
        Enjoy English
Practice Test II (Units 5-8)
Appendix I  Scripts and Key to Practice Test I
Appendix II Scripts and Key to Practice Test II
Appendix III Glossary

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