PEOPLE IN THIS STORY 人物介紹 1 The young ladies leave school 小姐們離校 2 Becky Sharp makes new friends 貝姬·夏普結交新朋友 3 Amelia Sedley nearly loses hope 阿梅莉亞·塞德利幾乎絕望 4 A pleasant stay in Brighton 布賴頓愉快之旅 5 Waiting for war in Brussels 在布魯塞爾等待戰爭 6 Mothers, sons, and other relations 母親、兒子及其他親人 7 Reunions, quarrels, and other family business 團聚、爭吵及其他家事 8 The rise and fall of our heroines』 fortunes 女主人公們的命運浮沉 9 Colonel Crawley's troubles 克勞利上校的麻煩 10 Major Dobbin returns from India 多賓少校印度歸來 11 A meeting with an old friend 舊友相逢 12 Births, marriages, and deaths 出生、婚姻和去世 Activities:Before Reading Activities:While Reading Activities:After Reading