幫助中心 | 我的帳號 | 關於我們


  • 作者:李明
  • 出版社:中國水利水電
  • ISBN:9787517017363
  • 出版日期:2014/02/01
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 頁數:280
人民幣:RMB 39.8 元      售價:



1.How to Overcome「Monday Blues」
2.How to Use Off-hours Rationally
3.Take Breaks Throughout the Workday
4.Working People Taking Stairs Can Expect to Live Longer
5.Sitting for Long Time Will Impact Your Health
6.Be Alert to Carpal Tunnel
7.Workers Have to Prevent the「Information Obsessive-compulsive Disorder」
8.Bad Eating Habits of Working People
9.Computer Keyboard Is Dirtier Than Closestool
10.Vigorous Working People in the Whole Affemoon
11.Get Rid of the Entrepreneur Insomnia
1.How to Make Friends
2.How to Remember the Name of a New Encounter
3.How to Use Your Body Language for Better Communication
4.How to Avoid Talking in an Awkward Situation
5.Secrets to Successful Schmoozing
6.How to Unwind after WOrk
7.Tips for Evening Workouts
8.Workout in the O伍ce
9.Avoid Fitness Mistakes in the Gym
10.Using the Force of Yoga
11.Workers Regularly Attends After-work Drinks
12.How to Avoid Awkwardness in Office Birthday Party

1.Income Statement
2.The Balance Sheet
3.SWOT Analysis
4.Advertising Sales
5.Seven P Formula
6.The 80/20 Rule
7.The Long Tail Effect
8.Blue Ocean Strategy
9.Three Portfolios for Wise Investment
10.Investments Need to Be Familiar with
11.The List ofthe 10 Top Recession Winners
12.The Seven Enemies of Financial Success
1.HOW tO Succeed in L1te
2.Out of the Question Is Possible
3.Mind Your 0wn Business
4.Don』t Work for Money
5.I Will Persist Until I Succeed
6.How to Overcome Self-doubt
7.Putting Something Off Might Be the Smart Thing to Do
8.Success Can only Be Born in Action
9.The Opportunity Lies with the Details of Real Life
10.Stick tO Your Special Talents
1.Yout-Samuel Ullman
2.I Have a Dream—Martin Luther King

3.Three Days to See———Helen Keller
4.Who Moved My Cheese—Spencer Johnson
5.A Random WaIk Down Wall Street—Gordon Malkiel
6.Rich Dad Poor Dad———Robert Kiyosaki
7.The Black Swan—Nassim Nicholas Taleb
8.The Secret———Khonda Byrne
9.Think and Grow Rich—Napoleon Hiu
10.Erin Brockovich
11.The Devif Wears Prada
1.The Growth Process of Apple CEO Tim Cook
2.Success Story of the Software Tycoon———Bill Gates
3.The Master of Investment Warren Buffett』S Extraordinary Life
4.The Father of Apple Steve Jobs』Three Stories
5.The Founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg』s Startup Experience
6.IBM President Thomas Watson』S Career as a Salesman
7.The Story of Genius at Work Henry Ford
8.The Self--employment Story of Googles Co-founder Sergey Brin
9.The Founder of Oracle Corporation Lawrence Ellison』s Pioneering Work
10.The Founder of Amazon Company Jeffrey Bezos』s Genius as a Child
11.The Founder of DeU Michael Dell』s Dream of 2 Billions
12.The Legendary Story of Financial Crocodile George Soros
13.US Disabled Educator Helen Kener』s Struggling Life
14.Ashley』s Dream of A Singing Career

3.Sow Happiness
4.「There」Is No Better Than「Here」
5.Be Grateful to Life
6.Money Is Not Everything
7.Flying Dreams
8.The Days That Make Us Happy Make Us Wise
9.Smiling Makes Yourself Stand Out
10.Success and Happiness

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